Recent content by aimfailz

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    Lee Jackson GP-1000 + Rocktron Velocity 300 for sale - EU / PL People

    f5. As i need quick money i'll go down with the price - 600 $ now!!!
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    Lee Jackson GP-1000 + Rocktron Velocity 300 for sale - EU / PL People

    Welcome :) Well it's time i'm changing my whole rig and as i need money for peavey 5150 i need to sale my Lee Jackson GP-1000 (87 version) and Rocktron Velocity 300 power amp. About Lee Jackson: Tubes are in good condition, no need to change them, im the 4rd owner of it ( US - German - PL...
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    COB start writing new album

    haha, if you only like white hob t-shirt :D. i wonder how much will cost hob in my country's local stores :D
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    COB start writing new album

    god dammit ! vocals in dead man's hand on you reminds me Jonathan Davis of korn :D
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    COB start writing new album

    Sry i had Hatebreeder in mind not FTR :D But yes, we can only wait and hope to get the best album since HCDR :)
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    COB start writing new album

    Well imagine "your days are numbered" with old rig and Alexi's vocal, it would be really like FTR era but unfortunately (or not) they got other equipment and Alexi's vocal are just not the same
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    COB Pics

    wow , Alexi with whitesnake :D
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    COB start writing new album

    i like the ending of solo when guitar and keyboard ( perhaps) turns into chorus :) Very good song.i can't wait for new album :)
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    COB start writing new album

    yea, it doesn't,i've tried this volume level tricks but it doesn't give any effect.
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    COB start writing new album

    the problem is, i have stereo mix on and blahblabhalbah in settings but when it comes to record it doesn't "hear" any sound,while music is turned on. the same situations is in control panel/ sound etc.
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    COB start writing new album

    i'd like to record it, but i can't find out how to set my mix stereo settings right :D.
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    COB start writing new album

    yup, what time is that? GMT 0 or what. I'll try stay awake and listen to this radio and maybe record new song somehow ;P
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    Children of Bodom - Cover Thread

    haha :P idk if he's good troll or just a lil' bit retarded :D he would really match to them as a rythm guitar
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    COB start writing new album Here you go: This article says that COB was recording their new video for upcoming album in Wroclaw-Poland. The name of the song is Transference. All the rest is about...
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    COB start writing new album

    i don't know if you noticed that COB is giving single information per month. f.e last news were related in 23 february then earlier was 25 January etc. So i think,they gonna post something new about album at the end of the month (about 25 march) imo.