Recent content by Artep

  1. Artep

    Missing Low End in the mix

    I also tried putting an EQ on the master to boost the bottom end- hoping for a good result because I really liked how clean my mix was sounding and was worried that I would loose clarity if I started changing things around, but obviously that affected everything, so now my perfect snare and toms...
  2. Artep

    Missing Low End in the mix

    I also was missing the low end in my mix and turns out that the biggest problem were my new monitors. I had to roll off some of the bottom end on them, move them further away from the wall and hang a blanket on the wall behind them. Once I did that the fake boomyness and mudd went away and I...
  3. Artep

    Videotutorials, guitar mixing!

    I always record my guitars straight into my AD converter because my room sounds terrible and my amp even worse. I still haven't found any decent program that would make the guitars sound thick and punchy. I usually just use the Guitar Amp pro in Logic, followed by an EQ, C4, L1 and then S1...
  4. Artep

    Mixing problems...any advice?

    Your mix sounds awesome, I don't hear any boxiness at all, as mentioned before, maybe some more reverb would be nice. I have similar problems. My mixes don't sound thick enough, so I take off all the reverb and add more bottom and low mids, but then it sounds too muddy so I try adding some more...
  5. Artep


    Hails! Artep is a symphonic black metal band that sounds a like Dimmu only much more brutal and fast. Our influences include Emperor, Dark Funeral, and many other awesome bands. We have gotten many excellent reviews and are currently being played on at least 20 different radio stations across...