Recent content by bestazy

  1. B

    happy to talk with strangers?

    It depends on the moment, place, mood, and the person. I overall am pretty open to talking with strangers, since I love meeting new people. I fly a lot, and I've found that picking up a newspaper and doing the crossword with whoever is next to you works wonders. Does not work well if you're...
  2. B

    New in metal

    For starters, I would suggest you to listen to some of the all time classics like Black Sabbath who invented the whole thing. Some other suggestions from this are Motorhead, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Metallica, Megadeth, Dio and so on. If you want to go a little bit more modern, you can't...
  3. B

    What gigs have you seen lately?

    Just set an alarm on my phone to remind me to buy tickets to see Tool and Killing Joke in Boston on November 14th. My brother and boyfriend and I will be going. For my boyfriend, it will be his first EVER concert. This will be my second time seeing Tool. The previous time was on their 10,000...
  4. B

    Albums currently kicking your ass

    I guess certain bands need a certain atmosphere to fully appreciate the music. For example, when I'm in bed at night I never put on any Sunn O))) because I'm there in the dark doing nothing else than just appreciating the music. But if I'm doing some house work or studying or doing any other...