Recent content by Big Momma Nav

  1. Big Momma Nav

    The Iron Maidens - question

    While it sounds nice on paper - i don't think it would make financial sense in terms of all the time effort and cost put into it. Same reason why classic rock bands put out a new album, it barely sells and when playing - people just want to hear the old stuff. Nita, Liz, Heather and many...
  2. Big Momma Nav

    WTF is with Bruce lately?

    these media articles always pick and choose specific lines for their headlines to grab attention. he was just being a smart ass and having fun. the actual words from 2011: ""You've just got to have a sense of fearlessness," Dickinson said. "I got into trouble for saying that we're better than...
  3. Big Momma Nav

    Trooper Bier in LB

    Anyone know why all the bars & rock clubs aren't carrying it? Too costly, they want to keep it specialized or compny hasn't reached out to the bars? I should find out. Budweiser could get some competition :)
  4. Big Momma Nav

    An Openly Gay Woman's Perspective

    SP is more a joke ON the 80s - but I think it's overdone and they need to pack it in. Time to concentrate on the music so they can get some respect from the industry. (then again as a band that draws 15 people vs their 3,000 - they can easily tell me to GFY so I digress lol). Now genres like...
  5. Big Momma Nav

    Happy Birthday to you, Mark!!!

    h.b.d. cha cha cha
  6. Big Momma Nav

    East Coast Tour PLZZZ

    If you really wish to make this happen - I suggest visiting clubs in your surrounding area and talking to owners/bookers to sell them on the idea of bringin TIMS to the area. Get 3-4 club owners all interested, and now TIMS management can contact them to help have them all pitch in and...
  7. Big Momma Nav

    Maiden management contact?

    Go to namm and i'm sure one of the members of IM will be walking around. Or at least someone 1-2 levels removed from them. Find them and pitch to them there - why that show exists. People 1-2 levels will only do it if there's something in it for them. If you don't have namm passes - you're...
  8. Big Momma Nav

    New songs!

    women in uniform. tatooed millionaire.
  9. Big Momma Nav

    Motivational Poster...

    nice! I gotta share this on my fb.
  10. Big Momma Nav

    A detailed, in-depth review of last nights HOB show.

    whenever TIMS are playing a free show - always tell your friends! Awesome deal.
  11. Big Momma Nav

    Bad walking accident

    remember - the fault completely lies in the other guy, not you. Don't beat yourself over somethign you had no control over.
  12. Big Momma Nav

    Dickinson. Halford. Tate. One stage. So much WIN

    I'll never forget that promo video of Tate someone posted. OMG talk about Cheese!!!!!!!! good singer, but i have no desire to meet him.
  13. Big Momma Nav

    So?: Power metal. Interesting: All-girl band. Holy crap: Japanese visual kei style

    the music does nothing for me. Just hot chicks playing guitar sounding like every other speed metal band.
  14. Big Momma Nav

    Slayer's Jeff Hanneman R.I.P.

    Sad. I wish the metal community would speak out more against the evils of excessive drinking. Already lost 3 friends in the past few years to alcohol abuse.
  15. Big Momma Nav

    Thirsty......???...for some...TROOPER BEER??!

    yes but it's still a risk that ups will discover it and could confiscate the whole package. USPS it's criminal.