Recent content by bkw

  1. bkw

    The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald

    Thanks man! I appreciate it! :kickass:
  2. bkw

    2008 Political debate thread

    So... Both sides claim they won the debate (No surprise there). I think it was very close. I'm surprised Obama didn't counter McCains comments. I think he stuck to his script too much. IMHO
  3. bkw

    Saint confirmed for Keep It True XII (2009)

    I have a friend that went to rocklahoma (or mudlahoma as he called it).
  4. bkw

    New Album complete... release date

    I really like the music! Good stuff.
  5. bkw

    08-09 NFL Thread

    What a bad week for the Bears!!!! Still don't know about Hestert :waah:
  6. bkw

    Rick Wright, Keyboardist of Pink Flyod, Has Left the Building

    Another 'Crazy Diamond' lost!
  7. bkw

    Forum opened!!

    Great stuff man!!!
  8. bkw

    The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald

    I'd love to hear this. Sounds cool! Hard to think of the Gordon Lightfoot song PANZERIZED!
  9. bkw

    Powerfest '09

    Thanks man!
  10. bkw

    Powerfest '09

    Ok... I am a newbie here...but when/where will this be? I can't believe I have never heard of this!!!! Rock on All!