Recent content by Black Friday

  1. Black Friday

    Controversial opinions on metal

    The 'power metal' that sounds angry usually falls more into genres other than power metal, such as thrash.
  2. Black Friday

    Gamers Thread

    Actually, WAIF, if I remember correctly there was a pretty big issue with that game about bugs that made it impossible to complete the game, or get all the stuff.
  3. Black Friday

    Gamers Thread

    Coming from someone who thinks V is the best, this doesn't surprise me.
  4. Black Friday

    Gamers Thread

    Final Fantasy VII vs. Final Fantasy VI There's only one correct answer, and it's not the one Cherko would pick. :p
  5. Black Friday

    Best Year for Thrash

    '85 easily.
  6. Black Friday

    Controversial opinions on metal

    All you need from Symphony X is TDG, DWOT, and TIO. All of the stuff after that, along with their debut is pretty lackluster.
  7. Black Friday

    Gamers Thread

    ->Kill mutantllama What with your bare hands? ->Yes. That's fucking disgusting, use gloves or something.
  8. Black Friday

    Controversial opinions on metal

    Yet also show creative energy rarely to be matched by later work.
  9. Black Friday

    Gamers Thread

    The broken, emotionless faces of people, the monotony of most of the areas, and the utter mediocrity of some of the dialogue just makes it really hard to get immersed in any atmosphere that's there. Bethesda still needs to fix some of the problems they had in Oblivion.
  10. Black Friday

    Controversial opinions on metal

    You probably shouldn't judge then. Listen to AO and ITSOE asap.
  11. Black Friday

    Controversial opinions on metal

    And break both your legs.
  12. Black Friday

    Controversial opinions on metal

    It's not vocal range, it's just the tone he uses. It's obnoxious and irritating, though it's bearable in some of his work with Sabbath.
  13. Black Friday

    Talk to a random person

    Stranger: hey babe You: You're a fucking ugly bitch, I want to stab you, then play around with your blood. Stranger: brutal You: Want to start? Stranger: you can start You: I come out of my room, naked, wielding a chainsaw. You: I go to work on your genitalia You: Your screaming becomes...
  14. Black Friday

    Controversial opinions on metal

    ROFL @ Ozzy being one of the best vocalists in metal.