Recent content by -blayzed-

  1. -blayzed-


  2. -blayzed-


    this thread dominates.
  3. -blayzed-


    looking for two things: 1. bands similar to ayreon / spheric universe experience 2. bands with similar style (in particular, lyrical content) to vintersorg's a focusing blur thanks
  4. -blayzed-

    Just got back from Sydney show...

    yeah he did that at the adelaide show aswell, sent a shiver down my spine when he just spat out "deliverance". does anyone remember exactly what he said? i only remember like.. "satan, revive him..."
  5. -blayzed-

    just saw opeth live :)

    syd got april ethereal? MOTHERFUCKERS!!! :P
  6. -blayzed-

    just saw opeth live :)

    in adelaide. my god what an amazing show, its the first time ive seen them and im blown away. setlist is something along the lines of : the drapery falls the moor windowpane in my time of need to rid the disease deliverance blackwater park to bid you farewell demon of the fall im...
  7. -blayzed-

    Atmospheric Progressive Metal, Female vocals

    Awesome, I loved Rain Fell Within :D Good luck!
  8. -blayzed-

    places to buy shirts looks like a fairly reputable place :o
  9. -blayzed-

    Empty Your Clipboard

    "8:45 am New guy's PC finishes booting up. Tell him I'll create new ID for him. Set minimum password length to 64. Go grab smoke. "
  10. -blayzed-

    Avatar Overpower Arena

    ^ reaches out for the nipple cripple of destruction
  11. -blayzed-

    COB is the best, hands down

    agreed deth, i cant get enough of em :D btw hello everyone :o
  12. -blayzed-


    umm yeah.. hi ;D fairly new to the metal scene, been listening to random songs for a while now, wanna get into it a bit more i guess. bands i like, children of motherfuckingbodom!!! :D, dark tranquillity, at the gates, dream theater, nighwish, sinergy, soilwork.. been getting into...