Recent content by carlo_caci

  1. carlo_caci

    Hello! Check out my band, CONJURING FATE. Irish heavy metal. **OFFICIAL VIDEO**

    good stuff dudes. it really is my cup of tea. just heavy metal! my only criticism is the guitar riffs are a tad generic. great singer with a good chorus. excellent video. Brilliant recording.
  2. carlo_caci

    fuck me hello you

    Well, fuck me side ways n roll me in breadcrumbs. iv bin perving and stalking around this site for years and I never though about introducing myself until now. I am Carlo, nice to sniff you. Im the singer of a british heavy metal band called betrayal. Think, Judas Priest, Early...
  3. carlo_caci

    I used metallica's own vocal preamp and any mic wanted to...the 57 won

    I used Metallica's very own vocal preamp and any mic I wanted to...the 57 won I have a friend works for SSE (sound engineer company in England who do festivals n stuff) My friend borrowed me two suitcases full of amazing mic's and also a dual channel pre amp used by Metallica and also a lovely...
  4. carlo_caci

    Hi - I'm from an interestingly shitty city in the UK

    Hello Thought I would introduce myself and try to get involved a bit more. I'm from Stoke-on-Trent. a city that is often voted worst city in England. We have the lowest paying jobs and the council love spending money on silly metal sculptures this one cost us £100,000 we have about 15 of...
  5. carlo_caci

    Tempo of the Damned sound old school/modern blend of song

    Is the vocal to quiet?
  6. carlo_caci

    Tempo of the Damned sound old school/modern blend of song

    anyone else have an opinion? the snare is a particularly hard sound to replicate, I think in the tempo of the damned recording Andy sneap must of used a HP filter on the snare at around 200k and he must of really boosted the treble to get that cutting snare sound which is always present in the...
  7. carlo_caci


    sounds shite dude, you need to read all the advice on here dude. Until you get bored of seeing the same old advice and tips.
  8. carlo_caci

    New EP recording, rate my mix :)

    good shit, i wasn't expecting the song writing to be good but damn, good shit. very clear recording I cant tell that them guitars are amp sims through my comp speakers
  9. carlo_caci

    Tempo of the Damned sound old school/modern blend of song

    Thank you, I have spent so long on this recording, that comment means a hell of a lot. You Andy sneapers are a hard bunch of guys to please so even one good comment is a big deal for me
  10. carlo_caci

    found this sick new band on youtube

    yeah worth a listen whilst your here dudes check this out too
  11. carlo_caci

    Tempo of the Damned sound old school/modern blend of song

    Hello, thank you for your time My band Betrayal have a new recording for our modern/old school slightly cheesy song called Outside/Inside. I have been trying to get a tempo of the damned type of sound and basically if i can get a mix as half as good as that album im a happy man. what...
  12. carlo_caci

    Is this bass soundwave right?

    yeah its clipped, turn the gain down a touch
  13. carlo_caci

    Porn Metal - Betrayal

    okay we are not porn metal but I would be honoured if you could review my bands album, even if its a short harsh review based upon 2 seconds of listening. My band is called Betrayal, we are a UK metal band with seven years of gigging experience and official theme tune creators for cage...
  14. carlo_caci

    Post your music here if you want people to comment on it

    wow really good, good instrumental, I need a big cheesy solo or singing personally to keep me listnin but that really good and sweet a recording. ----------------- I would be honoured if you could review my bands album, even if its a short harsh review based upon 2 seconds of listening...
  15. carlo_caci

    FCC - UK Cage Fighting theme tune creators - Betrayal, free album

    I would be honoured if you could review my bands album, even if its a short harsh review based upon 2 seconds of listening. My band is called Betrayal, we are a UK metal band with seven years of gigging experience and official theme tune creators for cage fighting event 'Full contact...