Recent content by CoverUinOil

  1. C

    Lich King (M.O.D. version 2?)

    Funny, some parts sound like Billy now and some more like him 20 years ago, when his balls hadn't fully dropped yet.
  2. C

    Billy/Mastery update?

    well i can't say too much because this is all i know. Billy is in pre production with the band, they're rehearsing several times a week. Haven't had the chance to go listen in yet but i've heard some of the recorded material a month ago and it sounded really good. :rock: I'll let Billy...
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    wow i haven't been here in a long time...happy to see the sports fan on here. hope yall get to watch your games, i as a giants fan have a rough time catching their games being in texas but i get a kick out of it when they beat the cowboys. other than that nfl doesn't strike me as much anymore. i...
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    Global Warming Will Save America from the Right...Eventually, sez hippy Storm Trooper

    wow this guy is a genius. First off, New York city would be flooded, because it is not of high elevation. Shit where i used to live in jersey (hoboken) which is right across manhattan, the entire city is under sea level. This guy is a complete douchebag to think that most of alabama and...
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    Tiger kills 17-year old at San francisco Zoo

    this is what we get for putting wild animals in cages. I mean i like going to the zoo with my kids, sure its great that they can see animals they would never see unless i went to Africa, but eventualy those animals will just stir up their wild instinct and go crazy. Too bad the kid couldnt be...
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    Seasons Greetings.

    2007 wasn't so bad for me, i didn't spend christmas under the bombs, no one was shooting at me, didn't get into any accident, my boss's wife is about to give birth to a little boy in the next few hours and my kids were very happy with what santa brought even though it wasnt much because this...
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    :OMG::OMG::OMG::OMG::OMG::OMG: :Puke:
  8. C

    read a book nigga

    this actualy isn't a joke. It was a public anouncement that ran on BET for quite a while. They wanted to promote a little bit of knowledge and simple life facts to the uneducated monkey masses. "Its called speedstick, its not expensive" hahaha
  9. C

    I HAVE.......IT!

    yeah the problem these days with cd's being uploaded weeks before the release date comes from the production facility. Some guy getting paid minimum wage packing boxes of cds probably grabs one of each batch and uploads it online. I'd be very carefull with any type of filesharing these days...
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    I HAVE.......IT!

    professordeath. you can go to indexentertainment and stream the whole record. Its not the quality that you get from the cd but its still good enough to hear the tracks. I'm glad i have a cd cuz any mp3 actualy sucks. I had a copy of the master cd the day it was done, and i listened to that for...
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    I HAVE.......IT!

    Ok so i finally got a hold of this kool little plastic thingy, here are somet pics
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    Stuff you might be ashamed to admit you listen to.

    i got one or two. Sum41 would be ther first. and the second would be Eminem, now that's pretty far from sum41 and other bullshit but gota admit that this Dr Dre is good at what he does. I actualy have a list of music that doesn't show up in my itunes, but i do lsiten to it in a production and...
  13. C

    Close the fucking border already

    obviously you don't know much about the situation with illegal immigrants and even less about me. I'm a LEGAL immigrant, married to a puerto rican, so to call me a redneck falls far from being true. The fact that I am denied medicaid for my kids bcs i'm on a green card status yet the taxes that...
  14. C

    Close the fucking border already This is what america gets for keeping its border open and not shipping back the dirt that comes from Mexico. Because of the "freedom" and "civil rights" fuckin pussies dont want to send em back because they think that those people have equal...
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    I remember watching Ali G a few years back at my parents house and i thought it was great, unfortunatly i didnt have hbo at my place so i had to wait until the dvd releases. Go on youtube and look for the footage that he has from his show in england before he came to HBO.