Recent content by Crono101

  1. Crono101

    Dream Theater: Black Clouds & Silver Linings

    After having listened to this album several times, the majority of the album is pretty meh for me, especially Shattered Fortress which is so boring because it is a complete re-hash. That being said, The Count of Tuscany is one of my all-time favorite Dream Theater songs! Go figure...
  2. Crono101

    Are you affected by Globalization?

    The other big damages I would be thinking about are meteorites hitting the earth, volcanoes going off and releasing toxic gases into the environment, ice ages, heat waves of massive proportion, ect ect. The earth has been through alot, and there have been a total of 5 (maybe 6?) major...
  3. Crono101

    Is there a band that makes u think you're the only one who really likes it??

    Wow, that's tough stuff to find! Good luck! I hope Dan comes out with some more Death Metal, it's been awhile!!
  4. Crono101

    Are you affected by Globalization?

    You're definitely right on the pollution aspect. All that importing and exporting has to be damaging the environment, although I'm not sure I buy the environmentalist's concerns regarding the apparent feebleness of a planet that has been through changes much more radical than a little bit of air...
  5. Crono101

    Is there a band that makes u think you're the only one who really likes it??

    I see you have looked into Dan Swano's other projects besides Edge of Sanity and Nightingale. Nice :) Also, Ozric Tentacles Spirals In Hyperspace was pretty good, although I never pursued listening to their other stuff.
  6. Crono101

    Is there a band that makes u think you're the only one who really likes it??

    Nahemah is a great band. Subterranean Airports is such a great song
  7. Crono101

    Top 5 Favourite Opeth Songs

    Man this is hard....I'll go with what I have listened to the most over the ages... 1. Demon of the Fall 2. Deliverance 3. Blackwater Park 4. Black Rose Immortal 5. The Baying of The Hounds This is in no way accurate. This is what I have listened to the most, not my favorite. That will take...
  8. Crono101

    Most depressing metal album

    Hmmm...I guess I'm looking for people who enjoyed Dragonforce's first three albums, which I did. All three were good, nice progression and whatnot. Ultra Beatdown was, if not a step back, then no step at all, and it bored me to tears.
  9. Crono101

    Are you affected by Globalization?

    ^ Nah man I was just kidding. Didn't you hear? Everyone in Canada hates Quebec? Or so they tell me. :lol: Anyways, on your point of the egocentricness of going across the globe to do business. It actually isn't egocentric, it is just smart. The whole trading system is based on supply and...
  10. Crono101

    Is there a band that makes u think you're the only one who really likes it??

    Dooood Riverside is awesome! Heard their new album?
  11. Crono101

    Is there a band that makes u think you're the only one who really likes it??

    No way man, Crusade was the attempt at following the trend. Right before Crusade came out, the frontman said that they wanted to be the next Metallica. Crusade comes out and what have we? No growling, just shitty attempts at Metallica vocals. Shogun is a million times better. Ascendancy wasn't...
  12. Crono101

    Is there a band that makes u think you're the only one who really likes it??

    Yes! You people rock! And everyone check out Trivium's new album. I am not joking! It's so fucking killer! LISTEN!
  13. Crono101

    Are you affected by Globalization?

    Hmmmm....globalization eh? Interesting... Well, I'm from Canada (altho Mr. Quebec seemed to have an odd view, but he's a frenchy, so they aren't really part of Canada), and I really like globalization. It is much easier to travel and get into contact with other cultures. Globalization is given...
  14. Crono101

    Australian Death Metal

    I thought this was a thread about Austrian Death Machine
  15. Crono101

    Is there a band that makes u think you're the only one who really likes it??

    Uhh.....lesseeee...I dunno if these are really that 'unknown' but I don't see alot of talk leaning towards these kinds of bands...sooo... Bal-Sagoth (I dunno about this one, they are so awesome, but then again they are kind of old) Boris (Japanese Drone/Rock/Punk anyone?) Elvenking (YEAH PAGAN...