Recent content by Cryo114

  1. Cryo114

    Bloodborne Theme Cover advice/feedback wanted

    I've not been recording for a few years due to work and illness. And this is my somewhat return. I've already identified some issues. Some of the high leads are a bit shrill etc But I was interested in what you guys thought
  2. Cryo114

    90's Prodigy-esque Lamb of God Remix I would have liked the bass louder but what the hell, I think it kinda works. Anyway, thought I'd share. What do you think?
  3. Cryo114

    Henry Rollins on the state of music

    As much as like Henry, that video just seems dogmatic. Like what you like. Going on about how music you don't like sucks because it's popular, marketed, made by well fed people, isn't challenging, made with good equipment or sounds like it was made in a computer, makes you sound like a stuck in...
  4. Cryo114

    Huge Meteor Blazes Across Sky Over Russia; Sonic Boom Shatters Windows

    I've been following this since I woke up this morning. The videos of it, especially the ones with the shock wave, are scary. From what I have read, this is not universally agreed.
  5. Cryo114

    Peter Gabriel - Sledgehammer Metal Cover

    Thanks! I really worked on the vocals. I recorded mostly every sentence individually just so I could really get it right without tuning. So I really appreciate the comments. Yeah it is obvious the mix could be better, but I'm very rusty. Thinking of posting multi tracks.
  6. Cryo114

    Peter Gabriel - Sledgehammer Rock/Metal cover

    Thank you! I have been thinking of posting a multi-track.
  7. Cryo114

    Motherfuckin RAP thread up in here!

    Only the stuff I did some growing up to. Cypress Hill Warren G Onyx and this track:
  8. Cryo114

    Peter Gabriel - Sledgehammer Metal Cover

    Hobbyist here, so not the best sound ever. But I thought some might appreciate it. Hope you enjoy it!
  9. Cryo114

    Peter Gabriel - Sledgehammer Rock/Metal cover

    What would you have done differently? Thanks in advance for any feedback! :rock:
  10. Cryo114

    How do you guys reset your ears/perspective when you're lost on a mix?

    Just a hobbyist here, I'm working on something right now where, for a little while, it'll be productive. But it's getting to the point often where I end up doing something and I'll scratch my head and think "Not sure if that makes it sound better or worse..." Like, I can hear there's...
  11. Cryo114

    why are some people

    I agree with everything except for the politics. If a politician is elected on the basis of there views which are influenced by religion then it's there job to represent the voters in a democracy. Unless you meant lobbying, which is something I don't really understand.
  12. Cryo114

    why are some people

    A lot of religion is culturally engrained. So it's not so much of a choice, more something that you do and as such I don't really believe that the vast majority of people who claim to be religious really are religious. It's just a tribe label that goes/went with being born in a certain place at...
  13. Cryo114

    Robots playing ace of spades

    Like in this thread? :P
  14. Cryo114

    Compressorhead: Most metal band ever?

    *Starts saving up for a drummer*
  15. Cryo114

    Quitting Smoking

    Don't be afraid of nicotine replacement. Before I used gum to give up, I had hellish anxiety attacks that would wake me up in the middle of the night and stay with me for hours.