Recent content by customaxes87

  1. C

    Let's see those guitars!

    Mods sorry for not posting links in the first place, I just never posted a whole buncha pics at once on a forum so I didnt know about any rules that were in place. Thanks for fixing it up for me :). Cool Ibys savage. Can't go wrong with the neon green!
  2. C

    Let's see those guitars!

    It's actually a real Jackson body, off a high-end Dinky, with a handmade custom neck. So i guess its half custom, half Jackson ;).
  3. C

    Let's see those guitars!

    Yeah, go for it dude. I'm surprised more people havent posted already!
  4. C

    Opeth: Watershed

    Heh. DT have certainly slacked off in terms of good music ever since like 2001-ish, but the set I saw included Erotomania, Metropolis, Beyond This Life, etc. The only city that got a better setlist than we did I believe was Detroit? (one city got Strange Deja Vu AND Fatal Tragedy, and...
  5. C

    Let's see those guitars!

    Well with many on this forum being guitar players, myself included, I thought it'd be cool to have a thread with some pics of our guitars. Share your axes folks! Here are my 2 custom babies:
  6. C

    Opeth: Watershed

    To be honest, it really bored me (watershed). I've tried for months to get into Opeth, and listened to all of their albums more than once but to no avail. I saw them live on the Prog Nation tour a few days ago and that sealed the deal for me. They were loud to the point of pure noise, and every...
  7. C

    Symphony X DVD?

    I apologize if this has already been asked, and I'm almost sure it has but I can't seem to find any threads about it. Are there any prospects for a Symphony X DVD? I mean...thousands of live shows, plenty of albums with good sales, etc...I for one would certainly be willing to buy a well-shot...
  8. C

    LTE Reunite

    My LTE tix have arrived. Countdown till awesome show in june!
  9. C

    The Official Band/Project/Whatever (yours or anyones) Promotion Thread

    Everyone needs to check out a band called "3" or "Three". One of the most original and talented bands I've ever seen, and super nice guys to boot! They opened for Porcupine Tree and me and my buddy liked them so much that we drove all the way the hell up to Woodstock to see their cd release...
  10. C

    Need a poster??

    Glen, if any Odyssey posters are lyin' around please let me know :)
  11. C

    US 2008 Paradise Lost Tour

    As long as you realize that youre being a dick, that's what counts. I'm a musician, I've seen Maiden live before, and I know about 90% of their songs. I'm well caught up on my history, and I'm well aware of the influence they had on metal. I personally think they have some cool songs (4 or 5 in...
  12. C

    US 2008 Paradise Lost Tour

    So basically, not liking Dickinson's vocals and preferring Russell's type of voice makes me a poser? What the hell are you talking about?
  13. C

    US 2008 Paradise Lost Tour

    In my opinion comparing Russell to Dickinson is like comparing a lion to a mouse. Bruce has a really, really whiny vibrato and a nasally singing voice that I personally can't stand. Yes he's got fantastic stage presence, but so does Rus and in my opinion an infinitely superior voice. It is...
  14. C

    LTE Reunite

    Yep Canto, that officially makes you the only person in the world who doesnt love that solo ;). Just kidding. To each his own. I freakin' dig it though.
  15. C

    Your last purchase??

    It's just ridiculous to me that guitars like Carvin and PRS often don't have bookmatched tops. That's why i ended up going custom...cuz i couldnt find a guitar that appealed to me at the price I wanted to pay. In reality I think i got a lot more than I paid for with these two guitars.