Recent content by Dave1978

  1. Dave1978

    Daylight Dies to Play Live for First Time In7 Years

    Great news! Massively underrated band!
  2. Dave1978

    Seventh Wonder - NEW ACOUSTIC EP

    Great idea! The band is a bit too much on the perfectionism side of things. Ac acoustic EP will show a more authentic side
  3. Dave1978

    The Crow & The Phenix | "Control" (2019)

    We are a German duo, consisting of former & current Mirrored in Secrecy musicians. Our new Doom / Gothic single "Control" has been released yesterday and should appeal to fans from bands like Draconian, Paradise Lost, Lacuna Coil etc. - if you like it please subscribe & like! Thanks...
  4. Dave1978

    I've organized a workshop with Marcos from RAGE - awesome guy!

    Hi folks, last saturday Marcos Rodriguez attended a workshop I've organized. It has been a bit of a doomed event, since a lot of stuff went wrong upfront. But Marcos lighted up my mood with his easy-going attitude and he also had some interesting stuff to say. Here's some footage I've just...
  5. Dave1978

    Favorite guitar tone from Andy Sneap?

    I love what he did with the latest Amon Amarth. It doesn't sound overprcocessed but nevertheless rich, fat and transparent.
  6. Dave1978

    What is Andy up to these days?

    I've got two more :D - Enter Sneapman - Until It Sneaps But seriously - they should consider it. Unfortunately they have no interest in having a great Metal-sound these days. They have a very sick imagination of being true to theirselves by releasing music with crap sound.
  7. Dave1978

    Made of Metal EZX price reduced

    Nashville sound great. Metal Machine isn't too bad either. I don't like this pack here, though. Sounds like a step back from their previous work, just when you would expect that they raise the bar with the first EZX for EZDrummer 2.0.
  8. Dave1978

    ENGL E646 (VST-Plugin)

    The amp is now available as a native VST plugin. Any experiences in the community?
  9. Dave1978

    Is the Eleven Rack any good?

    Not from what I've heard so far. You propably can get something out of it, if you tweak it a lot, but I didn't like any Hi-Gain sounds of this unit. I think you can get there with any other ampsim as well.
  10. Dave1978

    FS: Mayones Setius Gothic GTM

    Neben einigen Schecters meine Wunschklampfe. Sieht super erhalten aus und der Preis ist definitiv angemessen. Leider habe ich keine 999.- übrig. Sorry für die wertlose Info, aber ich habe das Bedürfnis mein Bedauern zu äußern diese Gelegenheit zu verpassen. ;)
  11. Dave1978

    Revalver IV coming 19th August

    Haven't been too excited about Revalker since MKII. In times where the only alternatives were Guitar Suite & Pod it has bee a great alternative, but TSE, LePoulin etc. outperformed it over the years.
  12. Dave1978

    Ignite Amps + Voger Design: Emissary VST/AU plug-in (KVRDC14)

    I don't care how it sounds, I just download it because of the GUI.
  13. Dave1978

    X50 v2.0

    My version now says I'm unregistered. I don't know why it's neccesary to use such an annoying protection system like that. If you don't want your software to be cracked go with iLok 2. Everything else just causes trouble. I'm going to write an support request later this week and hope it can be...
  14. Dave1978

    Facebook buys Oculus Rift

    Initally I thought there's no market in the mainstream for VR hardware ... but if Facebook is willing to play 2 billions for Ocolus Rift it makes me think again.... But more than that I'm very concerned about their vision. If they pay that much, they see it as a part of a bigger picture, which...
  15. Dave1978

    So Angela Gossow left Arch Enemy... Wow

    My first thought has been Alissa... but nevertheless I was surprised that she's actually the replacement for Angela Gossow. But boy... that was a fast change. The show must go on I guess...