Recent content by DEFIED


    Mayones Seymour Duncan Solo Contest

    Me either man, I usually don't enter these things. But I thought I would give it a shot anyways. The competition is pretty freakin tough!! Wyldechyld, good luck man, I dig your solo! I like the melodic ones more than the 'shred the whole time' types. Good job!

    Mayones Seymour Duncan Solo Contest

    Is anyone entering a solo into this contest? That guitar looks pretty sweet. If anyone has entered, or is planning on submitting a video, share your video in here! It would be a cool collection of different types of solos over the same backing track. I'll start :kickass:

    New album is finished!

    Thanks dude, glad you dig it!

    New album is finished!

    Hey guys, My bands new album is finally finished, and I thought I would just throw the link out there just in case anyone was interested. Searching For Reason is an instrumental band with influences of Opeth, Mastodon, Santana and so on. The album is available for free streaming and for...

    Katy Perry goes metal!

    Yea I like Clocks's versions better. Here is a version I did of E.T., its pretty Clocks-esque, but hey, he's a badass!

    Recording guitars with Effects

    Here's a new version of the mix!

    Recording guitars with Effects

    Cool man, I'll try those things out, thanks!

    First time mixing real drums

    Hey guys, this was my first time mixing real drums, so I need some feedback on this mix. I also think the guitars are sounding kind of thin and are lacking some boldness. Any type of feedback is greatly appreciated. Thanks guys!! Edit: New Version...

    Recording guitars with Effects

    yea it is, on one set of guitars :) What do you think of the guitars in general? They sound thin to me, how would you recommend I thicken them up more?
  10. DEFIED

    Recording guitars with Effects

    Ok guys, here is the first mix from this weekend.
  11. DEFIED

    Recording guitars with Effects

    I should probably mention that we are an instrumental band too huh? hehe.
  12. DEFIED

    Recording guitars with Effects

    I understand this frustration tho, I used to know a guy who had a full Marshall TSL stack when they first came out, and then he used a Metal Zone in front of it....Blasphemy!!! Usually, a tube amps natural tone will far surpass anything a distortion pedal can produce. But dist. pedals are...
  13. DEFIED

    Recording guitars with Effects

    I will definitely post some clips when I am done recording the guitars. The music is a type of slower, experimental heavy stuff, and we aren't exactly going for the tight, metal guitar sound that we all used to go for in the past. We are trying something different as we have all gotten tired of...
  14. DEFIED

    Recording guitars with Effects

    Great, I was definitely going to take DI's at the same time. :)
  15. DEFIED

    Recording guitars with Effects

    Hey everyone, This weekend am going to be recording my band's guitar tracks, and the other guitar player is pretty insistent on recording with his effects on. His chorus pedal is part of his overall sound and is on at all times. I on the other hand, don't use a chorus pedal, and only use...