Recent content by Destructo_Pat

  1. Destructo_Pat

    So how many of you fuckers have long hair?

    My hair at its current length.
  2. Destructo_Pat

    Metal's stupidest fans

    No mention of Megadeth fans yet? They are always comparing Megadeth to Metallica. It seems like there are more Megadeth fans bringing up Metallica than there are Metallica fans bringing up Megadeth. The two bands barely sound similar. I love both bands, by the way.
  3. Destructo_Pat

    Your first Extreme Metal album(s)

    Behemoth - The Apostasy
  4. Destructo_Pat

    So how many of you fuckers have long hair?

    Although my hair is long now, it is still far from how long I want it to be.
  5. Destructo_Pat

    Cradle Of Filth Launch 'Darkly, Darkly' Website

    I expect to see a lot of black metal purists who listen almost exclusively to very underground bands that only they have heard of showing up to show their hate for CoF, but I like CoF. Fuck what others say.
  6. Destructo_Pat

    Best metal album covers...

    Already mentioned:
  7. Destructo_Pat

    Christian metal you like

    If the title was "Christian metal you hate", I could list a shitload of bands because my brother listens mainly to piece-of-shit Christian metalcore bands he seriously believes to be metal.
  8. Destructo_Pat

    Favorite Metal ballad(s)

    Oh yeah. Forgot to add this.
  9. Destructo_Pat

    Best Nirvana album

    In Utero
  10. Destructo_Pat

    Metal's Most Maligned Sub-Genres (And The People That Listen To Them)

    Nu metal. Before I started listening to extreme metal, I listened to the radio a lot. Around the age of 14, I started listening extensively to an alternative rock station that played a lot of grunge and nu metal. Unlike most people, I first got into metal by listening to nu metal then started...
  11. Destructo_Pat

    Favorite Metal ballad(s)

    Pantera - Cemetery Gates Metallica - Fade To Black/Sanitarium/The Unforgiven Megadeth - A Tout Le Monde Opeth - Face Of Melinda/A Fair Judgement/Porcelain Heart Ministry - Worm Fear Factory - Resurrection/Invisible Wounds (Dark Bodies) Strapping Young Lad - Almost Again
  12. Destructo_Pat


    Granted, but someone will shoot you in return. I wish my computer wasn't so incredibly slow.
  13. Destructo_Pat

    Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

    I'm actually relatively new to COB. I gave a few of their albums a listen and thought they were pretty cool. So I will probably like this one.
  14. Destructo_Pat

    In My Pants

    The Leper Affinity in my pants
  15. Destructo_Pat

    Worst album cover

    One of the worst covers from a band I like.