Recent content by distantsundave

  1. distantsundave

    In Flames Covers Instrumental

    Fair play buddy. They're some crazy ass faces your making but I know the feeling when you're rocking out! I only watched "Only for the Weak" but it was spot on so fair fuks. Would love to see "Goliaths Disarm Their Davids". My own band cover that song and it's immensely satisfying to play...
  2. distantsundave

    A Distant Sun - VI MMIX

    Our new three track demo - VI MMIX - is on our myspace page now. LINK HERE. Feel free to comment here or on our Myspace page. Any UK bands interested in a gig swap give us a shout on the Myspace page.
  3. distantsundave

    Anders Friden making digs at DT

    Well I kind of figured he wasn't having a serious dig at DT but, obviously I don't know Anders so I didn't really know how to take him. It's all good though. I'm sure DT wouldn't really care if he was being shitty. They're in the game far too long for that. Dave
  4. distantsundave

    Anders Friden making digs at DT

    Twice in Dublin I overheard Anders Friden making digs at DarkTranquillity. The first was at the signing when my friend got his baby's bib signed by the band!! The child was asleep and Anders said "he must have been listening to Dark Tranquillity". The second was at the gig in Dublin when he...
  5. distantsundave

    "What it means your Nick"

    The band I play with are called A Distant Sun, so that's pretty much it!!
  6. distantsundave

    The definite, new "How Do You Feel" Thread

    Pretty crappy. Been feeling on edge, anxious and upset today and don't know why. Strange. I'm not normally given to moods like this.
  7. distantsundave

    The new pic thread

    Oh......right so....! Fire away! Dave A Distant Sun
  8. distantsundave

    The new pic thread

    Gorping? :confused:
  9. distantsundave

    The new pic thread

    Here's one I took of my girlfriend, Kayt. Dave
  10. distantsundave

    The new pic thread

    Some pictures I took recently....
  11. distantsundave

    The new pic thread

    Great pics of Maiden and the Swedish West coast looks beautiful. Dave
  12. distantsundave

    Post a random fact about yourself

    fact: It's my 27th birthday on the 8th of August and I'm going out to party on Friday night. On Saturday my beautiful girlfriend is taking me for a meal. I'm excited! :)
  13. distantsundave

    surprisingly, this thread is about music

    2000 1. iron maiden - brave new world I bought it and I think it's great 2. halford - resurrection I haven't listened to it at all 3. nevermore - dead heart in a dead world I despise all things Nevermore! 4. pantera - reinventing the steelA friend copied it for me - good stuff 5. in...
  14. distantsundave

    The new pic thread

    @ DL : You have a great eye for pictures. Dave
  15. distantsundave

    The new pic thread

    Stillorgan isn't too far from where I currently live. It's about 40 mins on a bus. Cork is a nice part of the world. I've family in Italy but unfortunately I've never been. Dave