Recent content by enemy of reality

  1. enemy of reality


    To say I'm looking forward to this next album would be an understatement. :kickass:
  2. enemy of reality


    Still hoping to hear back on this at some point. I was listening to SHKM yet again today. STILL foaming at the mouth over that tom sound.
  3. enemy of reality


    Bueller...? Bueller...?
  4. enemy of reality


    Getting back to Shovel Headed for a sec... The tom sound on that album is one of my all time favorites. SO perfect and MASSIVE sounding. Were those natural, or sampled? A blend perhaps?
  5. enemy of reality

    Why is Nevermore's site always dead?

  6. enemy of reality

    Why is Nevermore's site always dead?

    I think I saw about a total of 3 updates this whole year. It's at the point where I don't even bother looking anymore.
  7. enemy of reality

    Question For Canadian Bodom Fans

    Dude, try ....they aren't Canadian, but they are based out of New Hampshire USA. They have awesome prices and selection. I have bought many Bodom shirts through them among others with NO complaints.
  8. enemy of reality

    Can anyone tell me why ESP ignores the fact they endorse Alexi and Roope?

    At least on the US website, you can't find a word about Bodom let alone the fact that Alexi and Roope (and Alexander at one point) have signature models. That SERIOUSLY pisses me off. :mad:
  9. enemy of reality

    Favorite Bodom Album?

    And to me, SW is the most boring album. Too many things bug me about that CD now....even though it blew my mind when it came out, and got me into COB. They are almost a different band now.
  10. enemy of reality

    Favorite Bodom Album?

    I love em all.....but I like HCDR the most. What about the Tokyo Warhearts? That one's WAY up there on my list.
  11. enemy of reality

    poor alexi

    "Attack"? She's hot and I'm SURE that wasn't the last of what happened. :grin:
  12. enemy of reality


    Kicks everyone out of the way.... *takes the lead*
  13. enemy of reality


    *enters contest* Woohoo! I'm winning!
  14. enemy of reality

    Your guitars, fx, amps

    My brand new RR1: I also use a Digitech 2101 Artist preamp through a Mesa Triple Rectifier and Mesa cabs. *rocks out*