Recent content by "Evil" Aidy

  1. "Evil" Aidy

    Feedback on my mix? \m/

    Hey thanks for listening and commenting! I found the drum mics were picking up a lot of everything around them. Any tips for mixing live drums? I had to balance a few levels out such as turning up a few of the tom hits and turn the snare down on some of the stronger and louder hits. Also had...
  2. "Evil" Aidy

    Feedback on my mix? \m/

    Hey everyone, it's been ages since I posted anything in here. Last time I gigged, the sound engineer was kind enough to rig up his laptop and multi-track record the mics and then send the files onto me. Hearing a mult-track live recording is particularly interesting to me as I believe you...
  3. "Evil" Aidy

    Finally finished a song and released it! For fans of THRASH, but with 7 strings...

    Thanks for that, I was quite pleased how the vocals came out in particular. The SM57 didn't let me down!
  4. "Evil" Aidy

    Finally finished a song and released it! For fans of THRASH, but with 7 strings...

    Hahaha yeah I had to have a look too after you mentioned it! Good times! :goggly:
  5. "Evil" Aidy

    Finally finished a song and released it! For fans of THRASH, but with 7 strings...

    Thanks a lot! Yeah I did post something quite awhile back with Amplitube 2 - with guitarhack impulses. Good times! Someone else I think then told me I sound like Peavey from Rage, haha awesome!
  6. "Evil" Aidy

    Finally finished a song and released it! For fans of THRASH, but with 7 strings...

    Sorry to bump this (nearly) year old thread, but seeing as a few of you on here liked what I'd done on the original post I thought I'd let you know that the seven track album is out now. It's my small contribution to the ever growing catalogue of thrash metal out there. I released it on Friday...
  7. "Evil" Aidy

    Finally finished a song and released it! For fans of THRASH, but with 7 strings...

    Thanks for taking the time to listen! I 100% genuinely really appreciate it!!! :rock: Valvestate!
  8. "Evil" Aidy

    Finally finished a song and released it! For fans of THRASH, but with 7 strings...

    Thanks!!!! I forgot to mention, the bass is Ampeg Amplitube VST into Boogex. I'll post again when all the tracks are available. Shouldn't be too long now.:kickass:
  9. "Evil" Aidy

    Finally finished a song and released it! For fans of THRASH, but with 7 strings...

    Thanks guys! Appreciate you listening and commenting! I used: Cubase SX3 Firepod SM57 for vocals Reamped guitar DI's (without a reverse DI box or reamp device - yep, I know that's wrong but I had to work with what I've got!) into Boss GE7, TS9, Rocktron Hush pedal (on some songs) then...
  10. "Evil" Aidy

    Finally finished a song and released it! For fans of THRASH, but with 7 strings...

    Bloody hell, that's a massive compliment so thanks very much for listening!!!
  11. "Evil" Aidy

    Finally finished a song and released it! For fans of THRASH, but with 7 strings...

    Thank you, nice to hear you enjoyed it! I used Marshall Valvestate 8100 with a tube screamer pedal and boss EQ peqal in front. ;)
  12. "Evil" Aidy

    Finally finished a song and released it! For fans of THRASH, but with 7 strings...

    Thanks for listening Erik! Glad u enjoyed it! :Spin:
  13. "Evil" Aidy

    Finally finished a song and released it! For fans of THRASH, but with 7 strings...

    Thx man!!!!!!! Happy to provide any vocals needed! Glad you like it. :Spin: \m/ \m/
  14. "Evil" Aidy

    Finally finished a song and released it! For fans of THRASH, but with 7 strings...

    Firstly, it has been AGES since I posted on here! The reason I'm posting is because the advice, hints and tips in this forum over the years have been invaluable. Especially for a home recording enthusiast like myself. Thanks! Here is what I've come up with: Hope you...