Recent content by Franne

  1. F

    Need the right font to spray on rackcases, gear etc.

    Hi! For a while i've been looking at different font-sites to try and see if i could find exactly that font, like on this photo: I hope someone can help me, since i've done what i could.:( Thx.! Ps. What i'm goin to do is print the font our with our band name, then cut the letters out on a...
  2. F

    Still looking for a nice head/cab!!! Need some professional opinions!

    Go with the ENGL Powerball.. 10.000 tons of ball.!
  3. F

    Metal Bass rehearsal/amplification

    Thx for the response guys, And wes, i do in fact cut off the mid completely, and leave bass at noon and treble at 2 o'clock. On my bass i leave all at noon. But i will be trying out some stuff to see if this will help. If my sound is muddy and unclear (also because of the hartke amps (crap!))...
  4. F

    Metal Bass rehearsal/amplification

    Did once - but can't see how you can learn metal by taking lessons? Galien K? why? tried one a few weeks ago, imo. Fafner > GK
  5. F

    Metal Bass rehearsal/amplification

    Okay, thx for your advices. In fact i am overdriving my amp, since the speakers should hand 400w each, and the amp is 450w, or at least thats how i understood it - am i right? I have been looking at EBS Fafner + 810 pro stack, and i will buy it as soon as i can afford it (tax, customs etc...
  6. F

    Metal Bass rehearsal/amplification

    Hey I'm a bassplayer, plays in a band etc, but im in fact having some trouble getting any better, since i dont really know what i should practise.. Does anyone know any particular site, where you can get some help (vids, songs etc etc). I play mostly tech-based death metal, (combining...
  7. F

    Bass Drops Question

    I have no idea, where you could find that. - thats not much help huh? :P
  8. F

    8-string guitars... epic lawlz!!!

    really? hmm, that surprises me actually.. Thought they would always use it.. imo that depth in a guitar rly have balls.
  9. F

    8-string guitars... epic lawlz!!!

    Just as i guess have been done here? Meshuggah playing "in Death is Life" and "in Death is Death". very good quality. imo this proves you wrong..