Recent content by gammaray

  1. G

    Practice routine

    or does any one know any practice routine to help get each finger equally as fast, i have some problems moving my ring finger along with my pinky, you can tell it looks like its moving very slowly and it prevents me from actually learning stuff like welcome home(KD) or 1,320any advice would be...
  2. G

    Practice routine

    Hi Chris you must be pretty busy but ill try to make this short.i was wondering if you can offer some advice for a player in my position. Because school takes up most of my time and i can barely practice i have to spend a lot more time playing(i end past 1:00)so it takes a toll on the body...
  3. G

    Do those who adhere to a particular faith give a positive impression of their credo?

    so your all discussing christianity and all of its stupid ideoligies and beliefs?does anyone understand that the bible is a book of stories, a bunch of fairytales put into one who book called the "holy" bible.believe what you want just dont come knocking on my door and ask if i want to know a...
  4. G

    Dang nam it the Megadeth Admins are to anal >:(

    lol well fuck its also for charity besides its coffee who cares just listen to the music.
  5. G


    well always start of with walls of jericho its their heaviest album ever than keeper part 2, keeper part one wasnt that great imo, then like the deris years like master of the rings or rabbit dont come easy or even better than raw. RIP ingo...
  6. G

    "Casting The Stones" Tabs

    Does anyone have any tabs from this album or in particular the mission(1943) or tempest or anything?
  7. G

    Playing by ear

    thanks for the advice chris and good luck with the new album with megadeth!
  8. G

    hard to find tabs

    does any one have any tabs to songs like hall of the mountain king or any other savatage song?
  9. G

    Playing by ear

    lets see i have been playing guitar for about a year now and i like to play older metal like savatage and riot and theres no tabs to some songs so does any one know any ideas on how to get an almost exact sound by playing by ear?