Recent content by GodAm

  1. GodAm

    TURISAS: No New Album Before 2010

    Ahhh, you saw that headline too eh? I know it will be worth the wait but I am still going to pout just a little over here. It seems so far away, but when they are touring until Summer 09 it is to be expected. With all this touring they are building up quite a fan base, this album is going to be...
  2. GodAm

    paganfest 2 line up!

    Canadian band used to be called Profugus Mortis. This is going to be huge, Primordial and Moonsorrow are two of my favorite bands I haven't seen live yet. I am very VERY pleased. Although I think Moonsorrow should be the direct support
  3. GodAm

    should i go see negura bunget live?

    Great band, debating about checking them out tomorrow. It would definitely be worth it, although I haven't heard what they are like live. I've been listening to Om a lot lately.
  4. GodAm

    [TOUR] DragonForce + Turisas World Tour: US/CAN

    I can't remember but if you are one of the people complaining about cold weather DO NOT go to Canada for the next four and a half - five months. Unless every morning you are going to scrape the layer of snow and then the layer of ice off my car. @GameFreac - So glad they played Jarisleif for...
  5. GodAm

    New Enslaved Album

    I felt the same way about Ruun. I like it more than Isa. Below the Lights is still my favorite, but Vertebrae keeps getting better with each listen. They are clearly gods, and after hearing the new songs live I have even more appreciation for Vertebrae.
  6. GodAm

    Global Metal

    I really enjoyed it. Like for example to see the sheer happiness on the guys face when Iron Maiden was playing for the first time in India. It is a wonderful thing that metal can do that. I thought it was insightful because I don't know much about the different scenes in those countries, it felt...
  7. GodAm

    Post your sad love story...

    I wasn't going to reply to this but it really irritated me. We are not 'cunts.' I HATE that word SO MUCH! CAPS LOCK! EXCLAMATION MARK! Sorry if it seems I am attacking you, I'm not, and it certainly isn't my intention. Just in general I wanted to point out calling women that is not going to get...
  8. GodAm


    Wow, we've been to a lot of the same shows here. When Grutle mentioned they were going to play a song from 1992 I was thinking the same thing, although I was certainly not two...more like nine. :goggly: I am going to go through concert withdrawal once I get back to Canada, we don't get as...
  9. GodAm

    The I'm Going/Just Went to a Concert Thread

    You are in for a treat with Enslaved. The new songs completely slay live. I just saw them on Thursday and it was one of the best shows I have ever had the pleasure of witnessing. Even better then the last time I saw Enslaved which I didn't think was possible.
  10. GodAm

    Dreams of Turisas

    I'm no expert, but in my professional opinion you're probably fucked. I had a hearty laugh, thank you for being drunk and having no shame. I'm kidding of course. It would be interesting to find out what a huge snake and a cigar have to do with your subconscious. :Saint: Park bench on the...
  11. GodAm

    NOW PLAYING thread

    Gojira - Embrace the World The only thing that drowns out the jack hammers right now.
  12. GodAm


    Decided to check out Anathema last Friday, holy shit they were awesome. There was even a pit! For the first time in my experience here, the London crowd actually seemed to be into the music. My highlight was "One Last Goodbye." That was the song I was waiting to hear, and I'm not going to forget...
  13. GodAm

    Opeth DVD premiere in London

    "Get ready for the best movie you have ever seen." Good time, I really thought there would be more people there to be honest. That was one hell of a show they put on at the Roundhouse. I held onto the DVD until I got on the tube but the autographs still got a little smudged. Mikael asked how I...
  14. GodAm

    Trailer from the DVD

    Picked my copy up at HMV in London last night, they actually had quite a few on the shelf. Sorry about your luck guys, ha! AND IT IS REGION 0!!! I can watch it wherever I damn well please!
  15. GodAm

    Scandinavian Language Music

    I have been enjoying Myrkgrav lately as a recommendation after listening to Falkenbach. One man band from Norway. There's a few samples up on as well as myspace.