Recent content by Hügelgräber

  1. Hügelgräber

    Now Playing Thread

    Camel - Never Let Go :)
  2. Hügelgräber

    Opeth forum will close down?

    Well, at least one thing less to waste my time with in the day. I still think it's absolutely unnecessary. Some may ask themselves why it went so well here the last two days.
  3. Hügelgräber

    Opeth forum will close down?

    What do you mean ? If someone trolls around, it may be in some way creative, but you don't "stifle creativity and innovation" when you delete them. We are talkng about manners here, not innovative forms of communication. If you brake standards of behaviour, you "step outside a consensus" that is...
  4. Hügelgräber

    Opeth forum will close down?

    Moderating a forum can be hard, if you let criticism get to you, especially when you do it alone, i guess this is one of the problems. I sometimes had the notion that you know "that Arasmas guy" in person, because he could do what he wants, and you said nothing (in public). In this case it was...
  5. Hügelgräber

    Opeth forum will close down?

    I don't think it is a sign of integrity to give up something that other people enjoyed based on emotions that were risen by 2 or 3 idiots. It is not that this place is hopeless. Like burntoast says, modding is easy, when you set easy - and strict - rules. No. That Arasmas guy should have been...
  6. Hügelgräber

    Opeth forum will close down?

    I'm also on the side of those who think it hasn't been that bad lately. When i took the time to look through the threads, there were 2 or 3 members of who i regularly thought: "It's him again. I don't get it, why isn't he banned yet?" I didn't post much, simply because i didn't have something to...
  7. Hügelgräber

    My life according to...

    Pick your Artist: Rush Are you a male or female: Cinderella Man - no, honestlyNew World Man Describe yourself: Finding My Way How do you feel:Driven Describe where you currently live: The Trees If you could go anywhere, where would you go: The Way The Wind Blows Your favorite form of...
  8. Hügelgräber

    Word link

    Jeez - How Deep Is Your Love
  9. Hügelgräber

    Now Playing Thread

    Fleetwood Mac - Family Man :D ...And strangely i'm not regretting it.
  10. Hügelgräber

    Word link

    Fleetwood Mac - Family Man I really liked this stuff when i was a kid.
  11. Hügelgräber

    Which Opeth song would you use to make a video?

    Harlequin Forest is the only Opeth song which always makes me see the same "film" in my head. It's simply about a guy walking through more or less strange sceneries. In the beginning, obviously, he leaves his home, walks on a path through the woods, and far behind him there are some barking...
  12. Hügelgräber

    Is 27 Too Old To Learn Guitar?

    Eh, you're never too old to learn an instrument, even though it probably will never be in viruous dimensions, but who cares. I know a guy who learned the didgeridoo with nearly 60.
  13. Hügelgräber

    Porcupine Tree - The Incident (2009)

    Once i filed through all Porcupine Tree Lyrics to find some memorable lines, something you can quote. - and couldn't find a single one. As a whole, I think some lyrics are very good, especially on Signify and Lightbulb Sun; but i aggree, Fear Of A Blank Planet has a point in some cases, but i...
  14. Hügelgräber

    Who is the best VOCALIST???

    Cristina Deutekom Funny hat btw.