Recent content by Imp!

  1. Imp!

    Iced Earth is back!

    And where the fuck are all you guys?! Damn just heard new stuff off the EP, Prelude, kicks major ass, where's all the IE discussion 'round here?
  2. Imp!

    Man's innate humanity worthy of respect...

    I take it you won't be having a family, Seditious? ;)
  3. Imp!

    Prehistoric Iron Maiden on the Nazca Plain? ....Or bullshit?

    Someone mind drawing a circle over where you see it...?
  4. Imp!

    Populations Losing the Will to Live

    I just watched a vid in my anthro course, seems nearly every industrialized state is going to lose large portions of their population by halfway point of the century. The US is hanging on almost purely by immigration...
  5. Imp!

    The Mentality of the Crowd

    So the smart ones are repressed? Anyone ever thought that's the way it should be? Hehe, natures way of encouraging unity? I don't even think that's necessarily true, what of all the unorthodox types that have improved society, why have they been elevated? So who are the masses crushing these...
  6. Imp!

    Forum Improvements

    Scourge, why do I have a feeling you're gonna "travel" to Metalbooger's place here soon?:p
  7. Imp!

    Forum Improvements

    Just delete idiot posts and maybe the message will get through? Make a limit of 3 deleted posts and ban on the 4th. Message understood. You can always "tell" somebody to do something, but giving them a reason not to do whatever it is you don't want them to do is more effective.
  8. Imp!

    Forum Improvements

    ^^^Why would it be horrible if stupid people are a detriment to society? You are the poster child for "clueless moralist" info was going on about... Infoterror, why is it that you only consider a person's intelligence in your perfect society? Why would a decent person who bothers nobody and...
  9. Imp!

    Nationalism and Homogeneity

    I can agree with you on the "way of life" thing with our two wars going on, but what's so bad about spreading our culture if those we spread it to readily accept it and *like* it?
  10. Imp!

    support the teamsters

    Aha, I was actually on a writing binge, finished up a decent paper this morning, lots more decent than what I wrote last night (earlier this morning?)... Anyway, I guess I should restate my point a bit more clearly, what's the deal with tacking on these idiotic lines of reasoning to things...
  11. Imp!


    Maybe a link to an article will help? Anyway, interesting topic, I think "bullshitting" is how 90% of students get through the school system, nobody knows a damned thing but everyone seems to be graduating, and with an "A" average at that... That's my piece, neat topic, I hate the...
  12. Imp!

    support the teamsters

    Ok, I hate it when stupid inane points are tacked on to perfectly valid point such as this. Trucks from Mexico that are not inspected are dangerous. That's enough of a fucking point without pointing out bullshit like 3 million jobs being lost because of outsourcing or all that bullshit...
  13. Imp!

    The malfunction of modern religion

    You must be on the wrong page or something... Right now I'm supporting Metal Booger's point, that those on the outside cannot truly understand our faith. We ain't arguing whether it's mystic bullshit or not (well you are...)
  14. Imp!

    The malfunction of modern religion

    What...? Where do you get this from?
  15. Imp!

    The malfunction of modern religion

    As much as I hate to admit it, logical fallicy and all, Metal Booger is right. Let me point out some passages: Mathew 13:10 And the disciples came, and said unto him, Why speakest thou unto them in parables? [11] He answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you to know the...