Recent content by In_Confidence

  1. In_Confidence

    New Evergrey news..finally!

    I'm looking forward to hearing the new Evergrey album, but what I want more is for them to tour the U.S.! Not just do a couple of shows here and there. Every time a band says they're hitting up some dates in the states, it's always California that gets them. -_- I've just recently listened to...
  2. In_Confidence

    random chat thread

    It was so hard to wake up this morning. Yay for Mondays.
  3. In_Confidence

    random chat thread

    Suffocation is good live, but not the best I've seen. Anywho, I just had a caller on the phone upset because we told her there would be a '5 day waiting period before you will receive your STD pay benefits', instead of 'you will not get paid for the first 5 days, so you're really only...
  4. In_Confidence

    random chat thread

    Yes indeed. I'm trying to stray away from the term 'diet'. I am working to lose weight, but ultimately I want to be be a fit person all around, and not just lose a couple of pounds. :)
  5. In_Confidence

    Summerbreeze 2010

    I want to go! But Ill Nino and Despised Icon? :lol:
  6. In_Confidence

    what are ya listenin at?

    Lately I've been listening to a lot of Evergrey and Katatonia. I've also been trying to get into Blind Guardian since I like Demons & Wizards so much, but I haven't come across anything that strikes my attention. I've also been entertaining myself with the band Carnal Diafragma, which a friend...
  7. In_Confidence

    random chat thread

    I joined the gym last week. Lucky me. I worked out last night like a motherfucker and I am feeling it today. Tonight I go back to meet with my personal trainer. And, later this week I'm starting my nutrition class, which is mostly paid for by work. Here's to good health :kickass: The...
  8. In_Confidence

    random chat thread

    Hey peeps. I'm baaaack. Vacation was sweet. :p I will have to post some pictures on here. :)
  9. In_Confidence

    random chat thread

    Fucking genious.
  10. In_Confidence

    random chat thread

    Er. I hate workforce management. They have my schedule all twacked out. I start at 9:30 am, then my lunch is at 12:00, with NO morning break...Then I have my first 'break' at 2:15...then training from 2:30 to 3:30...THEN my afternoon break is at 4:15 and I don't get off work until 7:00 pm.
  11. In_Confidence

    random chat thread

    Jesus, that is just fucking ridiculous. I'm sad that I didn't come up with the idea of playing UNO instead of watching shitty bands. Rose Funeral is garbage.
  12. In_Confidence

    Hypocrisy To Tour North America With Hate, Blackguard, Swashbuckle

    I haven't heard that album, but 'Pitch Black Progress' is awesome. :)
  13. In_Confidence

    random chat thread

    I dig Suffocation. I saw them live in New York last summer at Summer Slaughter. They were good live, but my boyfriend at the time decided we had to leave in the middle of their set. Ugh. I really wanted to see 'Abomination Reborn' live.
  14. In_Confidence

    random chat thread

    I would love to see 1349 live. I'll probably end up leaving after they play their set. I don't care to see Skeletonwitch or Cannibal Corpse. Bleh.