Recent content by J.J.D.

  1. J.J.D.

    In Flames -Sounds of A Playground Fading (Upcoming 10th album)

    Thank you for the feedback.
  2. J.J.D.

    New Katatonia Interview

    Hello fellow Katatonia fans, I thought you might find this recent interview with Katatonia of interest. Here's the link - J.J.D.
  3. J.J.D.

    Brainstorm Reviews

    The Metal Forge -
  4. J.J.D.

    Evergrey/Bodom/Iced Earth

    Schaffer can say he'd love to come down as aften as he wants, but until a promoter with enough sense approaches them with a offer for a tour, it's all talk. The bottom line is that nearly every overseas act would love to tour Australia, but can only do so with a promoter that offers them the...
  5. J.J.D.

    Zyklon tour Australia?

    Like most acts that tour Australia, you can expect Zyklon to come to Australia when they have one original member left in the line up and when they're a pale shadow of their former selves.
  6. J.J.D.

    Anthrax, Dillinger Escape Plan, Entombed Tours!

    Hello Goreripper, I was actually speaking to Gary Holt (From Exodus) just the other day, and he assured me that they will be playing down here sometime before the end of the year. They had plenty of promoters approach them in the past, but it was just a matter of bad timing for them. I know...
  7. J.J.D.

    Strapping Young Lad

    I was at the Melbourne show. I didn't have a problem with the set list. After seeing them some ten times over the years, I like to see the set list change from time to time. I personally find it annoying to see a band come over frequently only to find that nothing changes but the clothes and the...
  8. J.J.D.

    Opeth tour postponed

    At least the postponed tour will mean a visit to Perth when they come back.
  9. J.J.D.

    What are spinning in your CD player???

    Hello Union 9, Same band, and it's awesome. Look out for the review up on the site very soon!
  10. J.J.D.

    What are spinning in your CD player???

    At the moment it's The Blueprint's new E.P. 'Ecliptic'.
  11. J.J.D.

    Strapping Young Lad Tour

    I spoke to Devin Townsend the other day (Meaning that the interview should be up some time soon), and he mentioned that Strapping Young Lad were booked to play here in Australia sometime towards the end of October. Thought I might share the news.
  12. J.J.D.

    METALLICA Australian Dates Released

    Goreripper, Do you mean Mandrake?
  13. J.J.D.

    SOILWORK heading to Australia

    And the rumour is...?
  14. J.J.D.

    METALLICA Australian Dates Released

    Like I said, it'll burn a hole in the pocket!
  15. J.J.D.

    METALLICA Australian Dates Released

    I'm pretty sure that Metallica have also lined up some shows of thier own too (From a reliable source), but the tickets will still sting the hip pocket.