Recent content by jackbraglia

  1. jackbraglia

    Ad/da converter questions...

    definitely upgrade. most people don't realize the importance of using a good converter...until they actually use one. great monitoring is also crucial, or else you may not even hear the differences since it can be very subtle.
  2. jackbraglia

    Which DAW's do the Cubase style slip editing?

    of course pro tools has slip editing. you know you have to put it into slip mode right?
  3. jackbraglia

    GTA V
  4. jackbraglia

    GTA V

    hahaha my gf refers to GTA5 as "my new girlfriend"
  5. jackbraglia

    GTA V

    nah man, I've gone through my windshield twice already. the mechanics of the game have gotten way better all around. driving, shooting, fighting, etc
  6. jackbraglia

    GTA V

    holy is toooooooo good!! I could not stop laughing the first time I bitch-slapped someone with franklin
  7. jackbraglia

    Your random joy of the day

    banned for being a juggalo :lol:
  8. jackbraglia

    Andy and Mid/Side Processing

    its generally a mastering thing, so that's most likely when he uses it. it has its other uses as well of course
  9. jackbraglia

    FS: Mastering Services

    i thought mastering engineers used full range monitoring.....:hypno:
  10. jackbraglia

    Vildhjarta's latest release. Mix/Master by me :)

    great work man! hopefully this will lead to even more major label work
  11. jackbraglia

    damaged cabinet....UPS claim....tolex....?!?

    they probably kicked that cab right out the back of the truck...
  12. jackbraglia

    What to do when a band re-"masters" your work?

    also i think the vocalist was squeezing out a turd during tracking
  13. jackbraglia

    What to do when a band re-"masters" your work?

    WHHHHAAAAAATTTTTT????!!!!:Puke: I am completely blown away by in the world is this even the same mix???!!!! That snare!!!!! :hypno::hypno: I'm glad you updated the post with the before/after, because your description did not even come close to describing the magnitude of the...
  14. jackbraglia

    What to do when a band re-"masters" your work?

    :lol: yea i was gonna say the same thing...sounds like a pretty shitty band either way
  15. jackbraglia

    Understanding mastering

    pretty much NONE of the best producers/engineers master their own work. why would they? not having the $$$ is the only reason to master your own stuff