Recent content by keeperxiii

  1. keeperxiii

    What Are Your Top 10 Symphony X Songs?

    Nice list. I agree on Damnation Game (also my favorite), Edge of Forever (I think he's saying "Live again"?), Whispers and pretty much everything else you said. Lady of the Snow is absolutely amazing. I would just add Awakenings and I also love parts of Orion - The Hunter.
  2. keeperxiii

    Symphony X's future

    It almost sounds as if they can't try anything different without going from prog metal messiahs to evil money-grabbers lol. I doubt SX was thinking of a master plan to get more money when they decided to make Paradise Lost and Iconoclast. That's just silly. Also, why would anyone complain...
  3. keeperxiii

    Spider Man 2

    :p Makes perfect sense. It's not just the USA though. My small country usually only picks up the bad influences as well.
  4. keeperxiii

    Spider Man 2

    Ah, you're right. My own damn fault for assuming that just because of the trailer. :muahaha: As for 007 and Bourne, I agree as well. Both the story and the action seemed more apropriate for the times. Again, not that there is anything wrong with 007, just not really my cup of tea. By the...
  5. keeperxiii

    Spider Man 2

    Again, you seem to think I'm some kind of hillbilly that can only appreciate action movies. I can read the book too and think it's garbage. And what? Reading books like Cloud Atlas and being a music enthusiast is going to make me smart? No. Of course not. The only thing that it will make me...
  6. keeperxiii

    Spider Man 2

    I was always more of a fan of Bourne's style but there is nothing wrong with old Bond so I guess I'll watch this one. It looks like a good bridge between the old and new 007. I've heard good things about Cabin in the Woods too.
  7. keeperxiii

    Spider Man 2

    What if I watch it and think it's not that good? I can have that opinion without being an ignorant, right? Right now, the movie looks just like your comment: with its head up its a$$. ;) I just doubt it's that good, that's all, call me a skeptic @sshole :p
  8. keeperxiii

    Spider Man 2

    I see what you did there. Anyway, Cloud Atlas seems a bit... Meh... I hope it's not just pretty visuals.
  9. keeperxiii

    (Soundtrack thread that went wacky)

    Aye. Sorry for the confusion back there regarding the MIDIs and orchestras. I like how the thread title changed :p I just recently started paying more attention to soundtracks and that's why I posted this, in hopes of getting good recommendations. So far, great. Due to this, most of what I...
  10. keeperxiii

    (Soundtrack thread that went wacky)

    Still, while not being orchestral, the music in old videogames is good in its own right. Has its own charm. Compare Castlevania, for example. I can remember the music from the first games being great to listen to, even if they're just midi, and fitting the game perfectly, while the new...
  11. keeperxiii

    (Soundtrack thread that went wacky)

    There are some great ones there that I will definitely check out so, allow me to post some more: The whole The Lost World and Jurassic Park soundtracks. I can't argue with John Williams and I have weakness for music that reminds me of lost worlds, ancient forests, etc: And, of...
  12. keeperxiii

    SymX Covers

    He's great. He also does some good videogame covers with Symphony X bits in the middle. I would recommend listening to his videogame covers which have some great catchy riffs in there as well.
  13. keeperxiii

    Sequels in Music

    Unforgiven III :Spam: I think so, yes. Why waste money on a double album for a new band when a great album with a sequel would do better? :D There's also Keeper of the Seven Keys Part 3 of course, which is a bit different but still good. Gamma Ray has Land of the Free Part 2 which I...
  14. keeperxiii

    [Poll] Your Favorite Ballad'ish Symphony X Song

    :muahaha: All are excellent but I voted for Lady of the Snow. Candlelight Fantasia would be my second and everything else is just fantastic. Except Shades.. Lady has a fantastic feel to it and I love that intro. Fantasia is similar.
  15. keeperxiii

    Iconoclast spoiler thread

    :P good one