Recent content by Killerah

  1. K

    New Album Sneak Peek

    That stuff sounds awesome! Can't wait to hear the final product!
  2. K

    Doom metal

    Any of you guys like Doom metal? It seems to be making a comeback. I really dig Pallbearer's 2 albums and Yob's Clearing The Path to Ascend. I also used to listen to Virgin Black before I knew they were considered doom metal, they have a pretty nice sound. This new band Crypt Sermon is pretty...
  3. K

    Merry Christmas 2014 From Theocracy!

    This is great Matt! Thank you guys for putting this together for us, I love it! Merry Christmas!
  4. K

    This place used to be a lot more active.

    I still lurk. But even my lurking isn't as active as it once was...
  5. K


    Great video! Patrick sounds awesome, can't wait to see what comes next from you guys :).
  6. K

    Did you guys get a new drummer?

    Otherwise how are you playing live shows again? :kickass: Maybe I missed recent information blasts or something.
  7. K

    Stryper/Theocracy Tour?

    Yes please! I would certainly go if this comes together. San Diego is a great place for you to stop.
  8. K


    Hi Sue! So I'm between ordering via amazon and ordering via the "Theocracy Mailroom." If I order directly from you guys does more money go directly to you guys? I assume so. If not I'll just go through amazon because it's very convenient. Thanks Nate
  9. K

    Anybody else stoked about the new Extol?

    Doh! And here I thought I was finding out about something before other people. Anyone who wants to delete this thread can, unless the denizens of the Theocracy board have so much to say about the new song that it warrants its own thread.
  10. K

    Anybody else stoked about the new Extol? I was a huge fan of Undeceived. This song sounds reminiscent of Undeceived but with some Blueprint Dives mixed in. Me gusta.
  11. K

    Dead to Self Radio's Matt Smith Interview.

    San Diego checking in ;). Seriously though, I would happily drive to LA to go support you guys and see you play! I'm stoked about this idea :). Nate
  12. K

    Would you accept re-done vocals on self titled Theocracy album?

    I don't get why there is still a discussion of what we would rather see? Theocracy isn't really a democracy, its... well... a theocracy! With the band itself being "god" in this scenario. It seems like the guys have already decided what they want to do with their time and music. Us discussing...
  13. K

    Where do you buy your Christian Metal?

    I used to buy my Christian metal here: I haven't bought any in a while though.
  14. K

    A little about yourself

    Hi guys, I'm Nate. 23 year old full time student. I work as a CNA at a hospital in San Diego (which is a very interesting job to say the least). I'm going to school for nursing with plans to eventually go to medical school. I have in the past worked as a PC technician, and before that I was a...
  15. K

    Do you feel it is alright to curse?

    I agree with this video/find it amusing: However, I do NOT appreciate his flanders-like use of the phrase "wowie zowie." I personally find it very offensive. Also, just gonna throw this out there: :hahamiddlefinger: That is all.