Recent content by lecorff

  1. L

    So Far & Until website & EP launch. Ecclectic, groovy, Epic Modern Prog Metal

    Hi there Ultimate Metal users! It is my pleasure today to present to you my band So Far & Until's new website and EP. I want to start by saying that this project is %100 DIY. Phil, our bass player, was the one who did our design & artwork and I myself recorded, mixed and mastered the album...
  2. L

    Full stems of a progressive metal song

    Hey there, new around here, but this looks like a great place :). Any chance someone still have the stems for this lying around? The original links don't seem to work.
  3. L

    IT'S MIXING CONTEST TIME!! Periphery's "Scarlet" multitrack

    Hey guys! Here's my go at it, had a lot of fun mixing it. Didn't do any editing on the vocals. Guitars were reamped through AXE FX II using the Friedman HBE model. Thanks for providing us with the stems!