Recent content by Left Among The Living

  1. Left Among The Living


    My bands are doing quite good. My old band, Left Among The Living are finishing a new demo now. It has turned out really cool. My other band, She Said Destroy, is recording our debut album, and it will be out through Nocturnal Art/Candlelight early next year. It is shaping up to sound awesome so...
  2. Left Among The Living


    Well, I was at a surprise gig with Emperor yesterday here in Oslo. It looks like they are back together again. They announced that they are headlining the Inferno Festival and Wacken next year.
  3. Left Among The Living


    Hello mr. E.Jackass. You are a very, very funny and also very intelligent and nice man. I assume you have no relation at all to what I am talking about, since you have such need to nitpick at the small details in my post. Obviously In Flames and Unearth sound different. They are, as you felt...
  4. Left Among The Living


    Ok, I think this is starting to become more and more ridicolous. First of all, what exactly is a "metalcore" band? Unearth is known as a metalcore band. Bleeding Through is labelled metalcore. Now, what is the difference between In Flames and Unearth, for example? Or Soilwork and Killswitch...
  5. Left Among The Living

    Does anyone else think that...

    I think a lot of those bands are starting to sound formulaic. Never really bad, just boring.
  6. Left Among The Living


    Congratulations. I was thinking of buying a Krank myself, but I ended up buying an ENGL Powerball instead.
  7. Left Among The Living

    Norwegian jesus sandal metal

    check out my band if you feel like it. we are very handsome young boys who play sensitive, cozy, furry metal with soul. we are not afraid to show our feminine side and we have a lot of pet hamsters in our rehearsal space. luv, snorre
  8. Left Among The Living

    What kind of gear do you use?

    Jackson Kelly Ibanez RG 760 Gibson SG All black, all equipped with EMG 81+85. Randall 100 watt head, Randall 4x12 cabinet with Celestions POD xt with FBV shortboard.
  9. Left Among The Living

    what's your TOP 10??? (Is Vehemence in there?)

    Metallica: And Justice For All Death: The Sound Of Perseverance Radiohead: OK Computer Mayhem: Wolfs Lair Abyss Sepultura: Chaos AD Crowbar: Time Heals Nothing My Dying Bride: The Light At The End Of The World Pantera: Far Beyond Driven Cryptopsy: None So Vile Emperor: In The Nightside...
  10. Left Among The Living


    So you guys flip burgers and maintain world leaders. That's a wide range of work. Do world leaders need special parts? Extra small brains, exeptionally big mouths? Or do you just do the burger flippin' thing and fry them a little and then ship them off to the next UN meeting? Or am I just tired...
  11. Left Among The Living

    This is sacrilege

    It says on that God Was Created is "gay twink porn approved". I assume that isn't a compliment. Then again, you can never know with a guy that gives a Disgorge cd full score. :yuk:
  12. Left Among The Living


    Yeah I saw that movie. It was very sensual. I especially liked the part where John dressed up as Pocahontas and Bjorn was that chinese restaurant guy out of the Simpsons. But seriously.......
  13. Left Among The Living


    What do all of you do for a living? The guys in the band, I mean. I imagine you don't make a fortune out of this band..
  14. Left Among The Living


    Is that sandals your bassist is wearing in one of the consert clips on the new cd? That's metal.
  15. Left Among The Living

    European/Worldwide CD Release Date - APRIL 19TH 2004

    Ichecked Sound Of Noise. I visit that shop at least once a week. It is your norwegian distributor that doesn't have the cd, so no shop has it either. And I can assure you that I know which ones that would carry it. I am going to order a handful of albums from the US and sell them myself, I...