Recent content by Mark H

  1. M

    New interview and live review/photos

    If anyone wants to take a look, here are links for Metal Discovery's coverage of PAIN's recent visit to Derby... Review/photos: Interview:
  2. M

    Interview with Peter (from 22nd April 2011)

    Hey there! Here are links to an interview I did with Peter last week for those who want to take a read... Part 1: Part 2:
  3. M

    Review and tons of photos from Nottingham (7th April 2011)

    Hey all - here's a link to a review I did of the Nottingham show earlier this month over at Metal Discovery, together with tons of photos... Some of the pics below...
  4. M

    Photos/review from Nottingham (7th April 2011)

    For anyone wanting to take a look, here's a link to review/photos I did of Amon Amarth's show at Rock City in Nottingham earlier this month... Some of the pics below...
  5. M

    New interview with Ted (7th April 2011)

    Hey all, here's a link to an interview I did with Ted in Nottingham earlier this month: :kickass:
  6. M

    ProgPower Interviews

    Links to a couple of interviews I did over the PP weekend if anyone wants a read... Shadow Gallery Part 1: Part 2: Leprous Part...
  7. M

    Weather Forecast

    Haha, I know :) Last time I remember it raining at PP was maybe 2005 and more peeps seemed to stay in to watch the bands rather than hanging around outisde. So rain = good for the bands!
  8. M

    Weather Forecast

    But it's an indoor festival so rain doesn't matter too much, no?! It rained heavily 2 out of the 3 days at Bloodstock Open Air this year - now that did get messy!
  9. M

    I'm listening to...

    The new Tarja album. Surprisingly good actually. Didn't expect that.
  10. M

    Preparing for ProgPower

    Okay, I got #170 last week so who can beat me for the lowest number?! Yeah, yeah, I know, I booked very late :D
  11. M

    Bodom at Bloodstock 2010

    Review/photos of CoB's Bloodstock set here:
  12. M

    New interview with Axe (August 2010)

    Hey all - for anyone who wants a read, here's an interview with Axe from this year's Bloodstock... Review/photos of Bloodbath's set too...
  13. M

    Which band are you looking forward to the most?

    Without a doubt, above any other band, Leprous. I'm still in love with 'Tall Poppy Syndrome'. Klone are sounding pretty bloody amazing too. Oh, and if Oceans of Sadness are half as good as when they last played PP, then them too I guess.
  14. M

    High Voltage festival Londen

    Seriously considering this one. Will let you know Rene, a few beers sounds good :kickass:
  15. M

    Who's coming and where are you staying? 2010

    NAME: Mark Holmes FROM: UK STAYING AT: Somewhere in Baarlo no doubt. Which days will you be there: Friday, Saturday, Sunday THIS WILL BE MY: 6th PP Europe (would've been 7th but missed last year, damn!) INTERESTING FACT ABOUT YOURSELF: I run the Metal Discovery webzine (plug, plug...