Recent content by meep17

  1. meep17

    Joey sings Rush

    Alright, first point: holy fuck, that video was weird and sorta funny at the same time. He really does do a pretty good geddy lee impression. :lol: Second point: I like Joey alright, and even I am getting rather annoyed at the Joey Loons right now. Holy shit, he's not that amazing of a singer...
  2. meep17

    Belladonna and Spitz are a LETHAL combo.

    Basically what I was trying to say... but put far more simply!! :lol:
  3. meep17

    This is why I don't post on this board

    I've been a bit annoyed with the joey-john bull shit and all the people who keep instigating it as well. It's pretty much why I just lurk here nowadays (Along with the fact that nothing was really happening with Anthrax for quite some time!). But with all this, I gotta say... at least that 6er...
  4. meep17

    Joey and Journey BRING BACK BUSH !!!!!!!

    While I'm going on about things I don't get in other threads... This whole thing about Joey or any other metal-involved-person liking Journey. Yes, they're a pop rock band. So what? If someone just happens to enjoy Journey music, that automatically makes them a poseur? What if everything else...
  5. meep17

    Belladonna and Spitz are a LETHAL combo.

    I really don't get the whole thing for Spitz. He was ok back then, now he's just this sort of crazy religious dude who's still an ok guitar player... but he really doesn't have any chemistry with the band anymore. Not that Rob seems amazingly crazy about this whole thing either, but Dan is just...
  6. meep17

    Spreading the Disease

    Definitely my favorite 'Thrax album. Even better than Among the Living in my opinion. I enjoy every single song. Not to mention it has Joey's definite best vocal performance. Shame that his vocal peak was so short-lived.
  7. meep17

    World Exclusive! Scott Ian Talks About Dan Nelson’s Departure! w/Metal Hammer

    Scott pulled that shit with every single one of their singers, really. When Belladonna was first in the band, all of a sudden, Neil Turbin sucked and Belladonna was perfect. He screwed all of their singers in one way or another. And I agree with your last statement, John really should just tell...
  8. meep17

    World Exclusive! Scott Ian Talks About Dan Nelson’s Departure! w/Metal Hammer

    So Scott is still pulling his same old shit? Heh. Surprise surprise. I like John Bush's voice, but I'd rather he stick with Armored Saint. It's really nice that he's doing these shows and all, but rejoining a band that mistreated you isn't a very good thing to do. And Armored Saint are awesome...
  9. meep17

    WTF is WRONG with "The Enemy"? It sucks.

    I disagree, I like it. It's definitely not the heaviest thing ever, but it's got a nice groove. And to be honest, I kind of always tuned out the backing vocals on this song. I dig every song on Spreading the Disease. In my opinion, it's the best, most consistent thing Anthrax has ever done...
  10. meep17

    anthrax commentary

    I think that's interesting! :) I like the story about Agent Steel and how their frontman always got into fights with everyone... I am not surprised at that. John Cyriis is/was absolutely nuts. I'm always so weirded out when they're like "OMG Joeh u didn't age a year!" I mean, they're just...
  11. meep17

    New Queensryche

    I've only heard it a few times, but it's definitely at least pretty good. The Killer has a GREAT chorus; got stuck in my head forever. A lot of people are getting into a hissy fit about how "unmetal" it is, but come on. Queensryche haven't been metal since 1994, about. You'd think people would...
  12. meep17

    Interseting info about Joey Belladonna

    BOW CHICKA BOW WOWWWWW :lol: Wikipedia can be edited by anyone, so there's a 99% chance of that statement not having any truth in it whatsoever, along with the fact that I simply cannot picture him as being the type to do anything like that. Oh well, it's still hilarious.
  13. meep17

    John Bush writing with Armored Saint

    ZING Oh well, at least now that he's outta Anthrax for good, he'll make kick-ass music w/ Armored Saint and we'll once again have two awesome bands (Hopefully anyway..... :/)
  14. meep17

    John Bush writing with Armored Saint

    If that is indeed true, I'm looking forward to it! I've always liked Armored Saint. :)
  15. meep17

    Nightwish Vocalist Leaves Stage In Tears

    True, but even the stuff she was doing on Century Child and Once is more operatic sounding in tone than Annette's voice! :p