Recent content by Michael@SacredMetal

  1. Michael@SacredMetal

    Preview of the new album cover here!

    Great news! Hammer it out, Dustin!!! Michael
  2. Michael@SacredMetal

    Titan Force

    I, as a fan, would prefer the second option... Michael
  3. Michael@SacredMetal

    Titan Force

    By the way: Is there ANY chance in getting the Titan Force-Boys back together for just one new milestone?? Michael
  4. Michael@SacredMetal

    Titan Force

    By the way: is there ANY chance in getting the Titan Force-Boys back together for just one new milestone?? Michael
  5. Michael@SacredMetal

    Power of Omens DVD

    Hi Dave! And once again: I want this!! ;-) But how can I get this seemingly mighty DVD? Michael
  6. Michael@SacredMetal

    My Solo (New Age/Flamenco) CD... completed

    Hey Dave! Wow, that's news for me! OF COURSE I'd love to hear/get this disc!! You know me... ;) Michael
  7. Michael@SacredMetal

    The Metal Fanpages

    Wow, you are a very diligent guy... ;) M.
  8. Michael@SacredMetal

    FINALLY, some Kat V news!...

    Hehe, thanks for the nice words, Dustin. But it isn't of course SCARED Metal (how can we be scared of that music? Well, okay, there are some bands.... ;) ) but SACRED Metal. Little, but important difference... :tickled: Michael
  9. Michael@SacredMetal

    FINALLY, some Kat V news!...

    Hi Dustin! Oh man, it seems that the automatically function for being informed when an answer has been posted does not work well. Sorry to answer so late, anyway. Thanks at first for starting to post at I'm really proud of this little board and it goes pretty well...
  10. Michael@SacredMetal

    FINALLY, some Kat V news!...

    Hey guys! Wow, that are very good news - and you are definitely very quick with the new record! For me, "New Breed..." was a bit a disappointment - especially after the brillant debut! Not a bad record, just a small step back in quality. Hope the new one will be your best record to date...
  11. Michael@SacredMetal

    New Tracklisting Revealed!

    Hi! It IS Helstar! James sings like a god and the songs kick major ass!! Get this asap - or Distant Thunder will get you... :-) Michael
  12. Michael@SacredMetal

    New Tracklisting Revealed!

    Can't wait to hear the new record - it's not easy to beat Distant Thunder, Sacred Steel and Tyrant's Reign of being "record of the year" - but I'm sure the Panzer can do that! Michael