Recent content by neal

  1. neal

    New Blut Aus Nord

    so fuckin good had to listen twice in a row
  2. neal

    It's been a decade.

    who is this person?
  3. neal

    Gaming Thread

    yes it's confirmed
  4. neal

    It's good to see so many old faces

    i was also at that westcoast meetup, not that you care :cry:
  5. neal

    perpetual cheers thread!

  6. neal

    Nevermore news...

    yep :( been blasting all their albums yesterday and today maybe give Politics of Ecstasy another chance? really noisey and psychedelic you might like it more now. or Dreaming Neon Black
  7. neal


    this fuckin sucks
  8. neal

    So who is left in here?

    yer mom
  9. neal

    calling all swedes

    Airwolf, A Team, and He-Man were my top 3 as a drooling toddler in the mid 80s
  10. neal

    gimme gimme negura bunget

    and they were supposed to start a North American tour in a couple weeks
  11. neal

    Shadow Work

  12. neal

    Rebirth! Step inside plz.

    buncha geezers
  13. neal


    this is a fake quote. he never said that. it came around and was debunked a million times this past year.
  14. neal
