Recent content by nichiz

  1. nichiz

    Trail of Blood (Swedish Death Metal) 3 New Songs out.

    Trail of Blood (swedish Death Metal) 3 New Songs out. Enjoy
  2. nichiz

    Trail of Blood EP

    Gonna realses this soon. like som input if i need too change somtehing or remix some elements. take care in this hard times and rock on. whole EP (5song) is on my soundcloud.
  3. nichiz

    Entombed - Wolverine Blues Cover RIP LG Petrov (Multitracks)

    In honor of master of death metal vocal, the late great chief rebel angel LG Petrov we did a quick and dirty cover. Multi:
  4. nichiz

    Draconian - Stellar tombs cover

    No Multi sorry. Need ok from everbody first. Guitars are and Drums is Death & Darkness SDX. (Own Preset)
  5. nichiz

    Draconian - Stellar tombs cover

    Did a cover of Draconian. a band from my almost hometown. i live like one hour cardrive. it´s me and my weapon compadre and his sister on this track. Have a good weekend and keep on mixing!
  6. nichiz

    Amon Amarth Cover

    Amon Amarth realese "Twilight of the Thunder God" 12 years ago so we decided to make a cover for fun. We recorded this song long ago but i mix/master this 2 days ago.
  7. nichiz

    Working on a new EP (Death metal)

    Yeah. work in progress. have smooth out the cymbals and more. waiting to record some new leads on the songs. The lead guitar maybe needs reamping? Have updated the soundcloud file with the latest mixes on the EP. Heres the third track of the EP in Pre-production
  8. nichiz

    Working on a new EP (Death metal)

    no multis now maybe later heres next
  9. nichiz

    Working on a new EP (Death metal)

    Working on a new EP. there will be a total of 5 songs when we finish and uploaded on streaming (Spotify) and more. Heres a sample. hope u like it and mix critique i you want. Trail of Blood - The Serpent of Old
  10. nichiz

    Sabaton - Bismarck Cover

    There up on the first post. Under the track u see a hotlink. Multi: Steams.rar?dl=0
  11. nichiz

    Sabaton - Bismarck Cover

  12. nichiz

    Sabaton - Bismarck Cover

    Me and my sidekick did a cover of Sabaton. First mix in Studio 1 since move from Reaper. Can upload som multi if u want a stab on it. :poo: Multi:
  13. nichiz

    Berserker - Blood on the Horizon Demo. tell me what u think!

    Thx. yeah the snare need some love. We gonna re-record the vocals later on and remix some. this is only a demo.
  14. nichiz

    Song "Night and time of hope" (raw tracks possible)

    everything sounds like it recorded in a pratice space. the room sound are all over the place. dont now if you can fix it but try too mix everyting as good as you can an maybe do a top down mix cutting like 2-5 db at 300-700 ish on all the tracks. and dont be shy on filtering kick and bass over 80Hz