Recent content by nihilist

  1. N

    I need just 1 ticket! bout 50 and an in-n-out burger? =)
  2. N

    I need just 1 ticket!

    Does anyone have an extra ticket they'd be willing to sell to me for the DB/CoB/Hyp/Nevermore show in Los Angeles on the 26th? Please post here, I NEEEED to go! And it's sold out =(
  3. N

    Have any tickets that you're trying to sell?

    I NEEEEEEED Tickets to the Dimmu Borgir, Hypocrisy, CoB, and Nevermore show in Los Angeles on the 26th at the House of Blues! PLEASE! Please post here, I just need one. Name your price.
  4. N

    How high or low does it sit?

    I keep mine extremely high, so the neck of the guitar is around my eyes and the body is against the top of my stomach. I've played alot of classical so maybe this is why.
  5. N

    Sweep Arpeggios

    ok, the word arpeggio has been and continues to be misused in terms of guitar. An arpeggio is merely the 1st, 3rd, 5th, and octave (1) of a triad played in succession. Sweeping does not necessarily equate an arpeggio... There are two different schools of thought on sweeping, one is...
  6. N

    Who Likes GWAR?

    Best live Stage-Show I've been too, music... eh who cares, they disembowel Bush on stage!
  7. N

    Microphones... Some questions + HELP! :-)

    I've had the most success with the Shure Beta 87A. Please don't use 57's for vocals, they wern't made for it. If you have 500 euros though you can pick from a number of nice mics. Check out the Neumann's and Sennheisers (I know my spelling sucks).
  8. N

    Tone question..?

    this is so hard to answer, my advice is to just go to a guitar shop and try out like 10 different amps with a guitar similar to yours, that's the only way. Everyone ends up liking their own amp sound because they get used to it so you'll just get a bunch of people advocating their own.
  9. N


    I rarely post on UM anymore just because the threads are cyclical, as is this one. Although I always feel an innate desire to inform the typical metalhead about quality guitars. First of all, for metal, you shouldn't even own a fender, any fender. But wait, you've already been duped by a...
  10. N

    I just heard the most awsome metal band

    bodomite, where can I buy a windir album?
  11. N

    I just heard the most awsome metal band

    All I know from Brazil is soulfly, they're... so-so. But Bodomite, you need to listen to Geasa and Helreidh if you like this stuff, there's lots of Italian metal bands that sound like this. MY new underground new metal bands of the week are Rain Fell Within, Autumn Leaves, and Gates of Ishtar.
  12. N

    Guitar Questions!!!!

    Whatever guitar you buy, don't buy it at guitar center. But if you do, they'll probably thrown in a B.C. Rich for free if you buy a set of strings... The best buys are the "not as name" guitar companies. You get more for your dollar. Jacksons are decent, but you can pay the same price and...
  13. N


    arpeggios are really overated in my book, just a fancy name for a simple principle. Do some diminished arps if you want or in locrian mode. Those are very dissonant.
  14. N

    Trem picking

    woah, don't "tense" up anything, that'll only leed to problems. I on the other hand, learned to keep the wrist and fingers still, not tensed, and move at the elbow gently. If you find any muscles in your arm, forearm, wrist, or fingers tensing up, you're picking too hard. Keep only the...
  15. N

    Look at that shit !!! COB SHOULD KILL THEM!!!

    Zarok, I think you have found the most versatile response to anything "gay and lying" just works with any person in any situation, bravo.