Recent content by OffSet

  1. O

    Piramaze on the radio!!!

    EL OCTAVO DÍA Spanish Metal Radio Program visit our website on Playlist located here: topic=455&forum=8 Download our last programme (29 January 2006) Part 1...
  2. O

    New Spanish Metal Radio Programme

    visit our website on Playlist located here: Download our last programme (29 January 2006) Part 1: Part 2...
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    Pure tech festival

    I don't wanna die before going to a Spiral Architect gig! Does anyone have any video footage from that show? I'd love to trade!
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    List of Good/Bad Traders

    your name is :: OffSet Where are your from?: Spain your e-mail address is :: your homepage URL is ?: More Info (address & e-mail): I contacted this man 'cause i found his huge list searching the net and I trusted him because of his site and...
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    Question about Progressive/Tech Metal Genre...

    Hi over there... I'm writin' an essay about the birth and developement of the Progressive/Tech Metal genre for my fanzine "Era del Metal" and I've got some doubts or curiosities I would like to share with ya to see if you could help me with some info... First of all... does anyone know...
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    about headway 2005

    What about bands such as Spiral Architect, Cynic or the live performance of SPASTIC INK?? :-P Power of Omens could be okay also That would be cool.
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    The Fractured Dimension site

    there is not any audio samples to download???
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    some bands to check out

    Imperfectus Bultus: A new one guys... they come from Spain and practice an experimental avantgarde Metal so extragavant. Not really tech but quite interesting also. New album was released on december I think via Here you have a...
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    EPHEL DUATH vocalist quits

    shit... and now? what about their appearance in the headway fest?
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    I would like to see your favorite 2003 albums!

    Andromeda - II=I Dream Theater - Train of Thought Power of Omens - Rooms of Anguish Sun Caged - Sun Caged Opeth - Damnation Morbid Angel - Heretic Labÿrinth - Labÿrinth EverGrey - Recreation Day Adagio - Underworld Cage - Darker than Black
  11. O

    There will be any merchandising in the fest?

    I was wondering if it could be possible for me to get some Watchtower and Sieges Even's T-Shirtz, posters, cds and all that shit :-P Dunno if it a silly question :-?
  12. O

    Which band are looking forward to seeing live most?

    Watchtower and Sieges Even. Bands of all time that i've never seen before :-( I still so young hehe Then Death Machine (and Zero Hour I would like also :<), Anand and Ephel Duath.
  13. O

    About the Watchtower show in Amsterdam

    Man, that's fucking amazing!!! One of the best experiences in my life to see all these bands together ^_^ That's would be amazing to see PW sharing also stage with all these wonderful bands ;-) Killer!!!
  14. O

    Death Machine on Headway Festival 2004!!

    I'll be there 4 sure ;-)
  15. O

    _actual time_ 3rd EP update

    we'll review your work again in Metal Convulsed radio show and the fanzine "Era del Metal" ;-)