Recent content by orbsonb

  1. orbsonb

    Post your music here if you want people to comment on it

    Here's a tribute/cover of Linkin Park's "From The Inside" I did in the wake of Chester bennington's passing. I heavied it up a little and added more interesting rhythms, but kept it mostly faithful to the song i loved when i was 12 :)
  2. orbsonb

    Robot Zombie Army - "WHEN YOU EXPECT IT LEAST" (prog/thrash/death)

    Robot Zombie Army - Erie, PA prog/thrash/death metal - Heavy, melodic, and full of unique hooks. FFO Gojira, Nevermore, later Strapping Young Lad. New EP When You Expect It Least features 6 tracks, including 5 originals and a heavy interpretation of "Pencil Rain"...
  3. orbsonb

    Post your music here if you want people to comment on it

    Hey! I used to post on the Nevermore forum way back when. Dropping by to hawk my new music: Robot Zombie Army - Erie, PA prog/thrash/death metal - New EP When You Expect It Least features 6 tracks, including 5 originals and a heavy interpretation of "Pencil...
  4. orbsonb

    I'm still alive and I made new music

    Hey everyone, it's me, that guy. Just poking my head in here for the first time in like 2 years to whore out my band's new album. I'm calling it a band cause most of the songs were written collaboratively and have been played in a band setting in the past, but I recorded about 90 percent of...
  5. orbsonb

    ROBOT ZOMBIE ARMY - "CRAIG ADAMS" (i.e. masturbatory self promotion)

    Hey everyone! I've decided to take a break from lurking once again...and as usual, the only reason I'm making a post is to draw attention to myself like an asshole. I just finished up a new video. Dedicated to how I like hockey too much. It's a pretty catchy song and I think you folks would...
  6. orbsonb

    Jeff teaming with Keith Merrow for a new album

    no clue what he's really saying, but the guy is Justin Timberlake in like 2000
  7. orbsonb

    Soundgarden - King Animal

    i guess it is kind of an invalid comparison to this new's not exactly the same, genre-wise (definitely sludgier) but I like a lot of their stuff for the same reason that I liked old Soundgarden material; groovy, gritty and ballsy without ever getting too dark or over-the-top. all...
  8. orbsonb

    just when you thought it was done

    The best parts of the original Star Wars movies are that they're crisp, fun adventure stories with heroes you can root for, dynamic characters who draw you in, and scary evil villains. All that stuff is naturally capitvating for kids, so of course the movies are going to be hugely popular with...
  9. orbsonb

    Soundgarden - King Animal

    meh...feels kinda stale to me. very plodding and unremarkable. as far as music in the "heavy alt rock" paradigm goes i think i'll stick with Torche. Whereas it used to be really impressive and an atmospheric sticking point of the music, I think Cornell's voice largely just gets in the way...
  10. orbsonb

    The Star Wars Thread

    II is the worst of the prequels imo. absolutely boring, inconsequential plot, completely flat characterization and the love story between Padme and Anakin is hilariously stupid. III is the least awful, if only because The Emperor is in it, but it's still a pretty bad movie. the tone jumps all...
  11. orbsonb

    just when you thought it was done

    I agree that Empire is the best film in the series but I think A New Hope is much better than ROTJ. ROTJ was way too cartoony and silly compared to the other two movies - it has some great moments like the final confrontation with the Emperor, but the entire Ewok storyline seems really forced...
  12. orbsonb

    just when you thought it was done

    i would imagine they'd HAVe to go live action. no one went to see the cartoon movie from a few years ago. besides, ILM is part of Lucasfilm and was acquired by Disney in the deal, so I'm pretty sure they'll still be around.
  13. orbsonb

    Is it hipster-ish...

    uncool suburbs, actually. and i go to college in uncool farm country :p
  14. orbsonb

    Is it hipster-ish...

    When I say "hipsters don't exist in the capacity that the internet says they do" I don't mean there aren't hipsters, PERIOD...I just mean that the thought that hipsters are invading culture as a whole and ruining it or that anyone who likes a certain kind of music is a "hipster" is ridiculous...
  15. orbsonb

    Is it hipster-ish...

    i think "kvlt" needs to return to the metal lexicon immediately :lol: "hipsters" are like the cultural boogeyman, everyone says they hate them and are afraid to be viewed as one, but I'm pretty sure they don't really exist in the capacity everyone thinks they do. People say "they're snobs...