Recent content by Ruins

  1. Ruins

    TSE808 v2.0 - 32/64bit (Win VST)

    you sir are a legend! thank you :worship:
  2. Ruins

    Tesseract signature guitar out! S7G AK7

    1 piece pf body in the mass production is more expensive because: -you need bigger pieces of wood that is good for production and that means automatically more expensive because it is not so easy to managed when you need to make many guitars. small pieces are also fine and there is much more...
  3. Ruins

    Tesseract signature guitar out! S7G AK7

    bright sound, very punchy and clear well controlled low end. helps a lot to get that percussive/staccato yet also great for leads sound that the Djent style requires. and it looks just gorgeous
  4. Ruins

    8 & 9 String guitars....

    good for you.
  5. Ruins

    8 & 9 String guitars....

    i am not fan of Meshuggah either (even though i enjoy Djent music) but it is still possible to make good sound. the fact that bass goes some times in unison with 8 string still produces different sound than guitar. what i am saying is that bass will always remain bass and guitars will always...
  6. Ruins

    8 & 9 String guitars....

    define me "Proper Bassist" first please. i hope you aren't trying to suggest by your statement that bassists always have to go one octave lower than guitars
  7. Ruins

    8 & 9 String guitars....

    i don't understand the whole hate towards extended range instruments either, sure there are many people out there that jump on them and focus only on the lower register because it looks "cool", "brutal" and ZOMG Meshugah ripoffs... it is very lame, i know, the same low sound could be achieved...
  8. Ruins

    Custom guitar painting

    the project is done :)
  9. Ruins

    Wiring Diagram - 1 humbucker, no vol, no tone.

    what pup are you talking about? different companies use different color codes so i can not confirm that this is correct. just because i want to know, why would you want to avoid to have volume pot?
  10. Ruins


    i found this plug in to be useful in getting my baritone abit to the brighter side. i hope others will find it useful too. Rangebastard, an emulation of the Dallas Rangemaster treble boost. "This is an emulation of an Dallas Rangemaster with added controls for tweaking or for use as a...
  11. Ruins

    Ignite Amps + Andy Zeugs = The Anvil preamp plug-in (PC/Mac freeware)

    Thanks a bunch!!! for something new for me to experement with :dopey:
  12. Ruins

    Fuck 6 string basses

    its not only about fallowing the down tuned, guitars there people out there that enjoy the wide range that such instruments have to offer, they find MANY creative ways use to it. "5 is already one string too many" is very narrow minded claim. let me guess, you find 6 guitar strings also to...
  13. Ruins

    Fuck 6 string basses

    look at the fretboart ;)
  14. Ruins

    Fuck 6 string basses

    hehe the thread title is highly provocative :P but with awesome content! i love extended range instruments (especially basses) and one day i am going to build my self one of this monsters
  15. Ruins

    [TUTORIAL] - How to build and optimize a PC for audio

    this is really useful thread! i gave up on keeping my self up todate for over 8 years now i simply lost my interest in this whole tweaking and messing with hardware shit. i literally have no clue what is going on on the market right now but this thread just give me a little perspective about my...