Recent content by samportnoy

  1. S

    KALISIA members' playlists

    I'm looking the video and, sure, great melody and don't understand all critics against the new female singer !
  2. S

    What is your favorite "Skies" track?

    Tower of vanities is a great song, but it's true, every Kalisia's song really god, hard to make a choice ! To irchina : Don't write in french, think to every one who don't understand :yuk: Ouais, c'est vrai, c'set rigolo de vous voir les guys and girl.
  3. S

    Introduce yourself

    Hi every one, glad to join this community and the "sales types" and "metal Princes". So, I'm Samportnoy (the bad kiddin' one-the one who knows everything about music even if he don't listen to, the one who help to set the sun :lol:), I'm 37, love my little Kid Kylian (not the beer for...