Recent content by ScorpionShard

  1. ScorpionShard

    Drummers: check this out

    "archetypical black metal way" is the best I heard of Immortal's descriptions. They are no less cheesy than any other brutal black group in the market, and they're one of the best. They dont use keyboards, and the music is "straight" most of the time, meaning that there are not a lot of solos...
  2. ScorpionShard

    Drummers: check this out

    It would be something along the lines of quadruple-bassing or something :) Imagine Horgh [Immortal] with two of these... --droolness--
  3. ScorpionShard

    Opeth Turkey Fan Club

    I'm so there. Not so funny Wigeon heh :P
  4. ScorpionShard

    Opeth - why labeled as black metal?

    I'd say Opeth is a doom band, with a lot of progressive death into it. Every band is simply "itself" after all, but human mind likes to categorize things :) And of course Candlelight needed a genre simply for easier marketing purposes.
  5. ScorpionShard

    Vortex and the last DB

    The album is great, Simen is great, but my main problem lies with Dimmu's image. I have no problem with corpse paint, and the way the new album is presented in a sorta thematic way is really cool too [just checked out the pics of the video and the booklet in their website], but my problem lies...
  6. ScorpionShard

    Immortal split up....

    Damn shame that Immortal ended as a band, but I guess Abbath is still going to be active in the scene [he _must_ have a pet project :)]. Still sucks though, Immortal way on the right track, and fuck, they hadnt come to Turkey yet...
  7. ScorpionShard

    The best cover you've ever seen,

    Okay okay, i guess it should be working now.
  8. ScorpionShard

    The best cover you've ever seen,

    The best visual addition to the music: something you saw in the market and you've been awfully attracted to. Something which makes you feel something; you know what I mean :) I think my choice would be Katatonia's Brave Murder Day:
  9. ScorpionShard

    Happy Birthday...

    Same here O' master! :)
  10. ScorpionShard

    top fav borknager songs?

    Ad noctum, Colossus, A Tale of Pagan TOngue, the whole Empricism [Inherit the Earth especially], the Presence is Ominous, Witching hour, Oceans Rise, and the acoustic masterpiece Gryning [hope I wrote it right].
  11. ScorpionShard

    Metal bigger in Europe than in USA?

    "by allah! dimmu borgir is not black metal i say" Hahaha this is the funniest line I heard today :) Imagine a bunch of ministers trying to classify meat: melodic Swedish death, ummmm, melodic death, melodic black, ummmm brutal kinds... fuck it let's just ban everything else than nu-metal, by...
  12. ScorpionShard

    Favorite Ale/ Lager

    Actually do any of you guys know how to make real mead? Some honey into beer and some other stuff as far as i understand, years ago i tried to do it with a friend o'mine with a recipe we had found on the net, but the end result was... gruesome to say the best :)
  13. ScorpionShard

    NOW PLAYING thread

    TiamaT: the Ar CyniC: Veil of Maya Snatch Soundrtrack: Dreadlock Holiday Katatonia: Relention Immortal: Within the Dark mind Vlad [of Agathodaimon]: Angel Deformed
  14. ScorpionShard

    Happy Birthday Jonas!

    Yeah, happy birthday :)
  15. ScorpionShard

    bla bla

    You have to be drunk or high or overdosing or utterly... interesting to open such a thread. It's hell bent to be a mobscene heh :)