Recent content by ScottCash

  1. ScottCash

    Chris Cornell type vocals? Let me know what you think!

    I love coming to this forum for a healthy dose of humilty. Dude, I was listening to some of the stuff on your site. Holy shit, that is some good fucking metal.
  2. ScottCash

    I like to call this number Thunderfuck...

    God damn, this sounds amazing. Love the riffage! Man, the first riff sounds like Pantera 2012.
  3. ScottCash

    Flyeaf, Evanescence type of mix...

    What do you guys think of this mix? There will be a female vocalist going over the whole thing. Open to all comments. Thanks dudes... Tune
  4. ScottCash

    Latest mix - KILLER band - LOTS of outboard

    This is the song that the devil will be playing on loud speakers as he reclaims the earth.
  5. ScottCash

    CHECK OUT THIS MIX! I just wanna hear what you think.

    Should I know what snare 12A is?
  6. ScottCash

    CHECK OUT THIS MIX! I just wanna hear what you think.

    Surprised no one has commented on this yet but this sounds great to me. What did you use for the snare? Chain? really like it! Nice work!
  7. ScottCash

    Help with Female Vocals and Mix

    Thanks guys. Good to get some different perspective. I applied the suggestions and came up with this mix. Any better?
  8. ScottCash

    Help with Female Vocals and Mix

    Hey guys. Could use some pointers on this. Let me know your thoughts.
  9. ScottCash

    Should be simple right?

    Well, I think with the equip I have this is about as good as it is gonna get. Snippet2
  10. ScottCash

    Should be simple right?

    Well I tried the old school method with the Strat and Deville and it went horribly wrong. Sounded like Stevie Ray on an acid trip. So, back to the sims. Man, out of all my experiences recording stuff I never would have pegged this particular rythm sound to be the one to crush me. I might just go...
  11. ScottCash

    Should be simple right?

    Thanks. Yeah the pickup is a Seymour Duncan I dropped in an early 90's Ibanez. I am thinking I might want to bring out my Fender Strat and the Blues Deville for a more subtle tone. I'll also try a little less attack on the technique. Let me try that and see if that works.
  12. ScottCash

    Should be simple right?

    Here is a sinppet of the part I was mentioning. Similar characteristics as the Paramore tune. Just can't seem to get it to sound right. Snippet
  13. ScottCash

    Should be simple right?

    Yeah, that is what is sounds like huh. Now if only I had a good way to get my real bass to sound like that... minus a bass amp. I've tried just going direct into the computer through my PODXT on a blank setting but it doesn't have the same snap. Anyone have any tricks?
  14. ScottCash

    Should be simple right?

    Good question. It is the rythm guitars that I am after.
  15. ScottCash

    Should be simple right?

    I am recording/mixing a tune right now that has a section similar to this . Listen from 0:10 to about 0:30. I can not for the life of me get my guitars to sound anywhere near like what they sound like on the video. Of course I am using a PODXT and working with different patches, also the Lecto...