Recent content by Sethis

  1. S

    Is there a such thing as the "best" IR Loader?

    NadIR for me. It's also uses the least CPU power from the ones I've tried if that's something you care about.
  2. S

    What is the *ultimate* option for recording real valve amps at low volumes?

    I think it depends on the amp. Some sound shitty at low volumes and some don't. It also depends if by "ultimate" you mean regardless of price, what you mean by low volumes and the tolerance of those around you. Alot of high gain amps sound pretty good at low volumes nowadays, it's unlikely that...
  3. S

    I'll pay someone to help me with Ozone 5

    I just wanted to mention that imo a big thing about Ozone is resisting the temptation to always use every single thing it offers...just because it's there. You really have to listen with your own ears. And as others said, most of the work should be done on the mix level so that's probably where...
  4. S

    what's your favourite amp sim for clean tones?

    I agree..even though it's weak on heavier stuff, it's simply awesome for cleans.
  5. S

    Noisy computer fans, recording vocals in same room as PC....

    ^This should work. Or even a decent noise reduction plugin. But I doubt that if you do all things you mentioned and the singer is singing loud enough that the noise will be very audible. Only perhaps at parts where the singer is close to whispering and is almost alone in the mix.
  6. S

    How many EQ's do you have & why?

    Reaeq cause it gets the job done and it's really lightweight.
  7. S

    Metal Machine

    ^For more laid-back stuff this is just fine. I often go around 100-115, especially for the snare. But for agressive stuff I never go below 120-123.
  8. S

    Getting sustain and feedback out of amp sims

    The sustain and the feedback are part of the recording so unless they're already in the DIs they won't occur when you reamp. You can simulate feedback when you stand near to the monitors, it works for me. Still I kinda prefer the real version. If you want to get a perfect sustain/feedback on an...
  9. S

    What are you guys using to get your bass grit these days?

    A bass with a guitar amp is interesting. I think it's not very likely to damage the speakers unless you use a clean, uncompressed sound. It's even less likely if you turn down the bass knob a bit. The few times I've tried it, it was OK.
  10. S

    What are you guys using to get your bass grit these days?

    ^Same here. I sometimes just skip the RAT. If we're talking about heavier tones I might also add a mildly distorted amp sim.
  11. S

    Programming vs. MIDI Libraries

    Wouldn't that just burry them in the mix? It won't sound any less fake. But finding the right velocities will help greatly.
  12. S

    Programming vs. MIDI Libraries

    What do you mean by lower? Compared to a real drumkit for example or to the default setting in the machine? And what does this fix?
  13. S

    Programming vs. MIDI Libraries

    It depends. Do you want to write some music or do you want to quickly jam over something?
  14. S

    Dialing in an Amp for Metal Tone

    Every amp has it's sweet spot. Start from everything at noon and see where it goes. I start with the TS on so I can be closer to the final sound while I'm playing with the amp. Same with the guitar, bridge pickup as it's the one I use 95% of the time. I finally check how the amp sounds recorded...