Recent content by Shadowsoul

  1. S

    Tommy: Kamelot's videos 'Sacrimony' and 'My Confession' both on page 3) Whilst it's excellent news for Tommy, what does this mean for Seventh Wonder? With a new Kamelot album and the tours that follow, does that put SW out of action for the foreseeable future? Or could this...
  2. S

    What's your 'ultimate Seventh Wonder setlist'?

    Wiseman Welcome to Mercy Falls Unbreakable The Edge of My Blade One Last Goodbye A Day Away Break the Silence Move on Through Pieces -- The Great Escape Just over 80 minutes (I think). This is too difficult haha As RuRoRul said, a concert with Mercy Falls followed by The Great Escape as an...
  3. S

    In the spotlight (part1): Johan Liefvendahl

    Couldn't agree more with what marshmallow said.
  4. S

    Seventh Wonder tour dates 2012 - Updated 18/04

    Awesome to see you guys coming to the UK :D I've never been to gloucestershire, but the festival looks pretty sweet. Hopefully this will build your fanbase over here a bit such that you'll want to come back (y)
  5. S

    The Tabs-thread

    Ye that'd be awesome :)
  6. S

    The Tabs-thread

    just upload to a hosting site like mediafire or dropbox and link on here :P
  7. S

    Video of Stefan playing 'Hide and Seek'

    that was awesome, seventh wonder have made a good choice :)
  8. S

    My interview with Tommy

    Awesome interview, a nice update from Tommy's perspective.
  9. S

    The Tabs-thread

    I'm currently working on the keys to the great escape, I have alot of the leads and piano bits down, although struggle with the strings and orchestral stuff. I'm also finding it really difficult to identify what the keys are playing when the other instruments are so much more prominent than them...
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    Korg x50

    Janne uses a Korg X5D as a midi controller, his sounds come from a variety of modules, quite a few are from his roland xv-5050 (used to be a jv-2080), including his lead sound which is customised with that synth, and then put through a bigg muff distortion pedal. You wont find any of Janne's...
  11. S

    SW´s new drummer! Here he is:

    awesome news guys, bring on the future :)
  12. S

    Do you have a SW 'standout track'?

    In a similar vein to what Kazer said, from my perspective, all i want and expect is more of the same. More superb ideas as to what you can do with your music next. There isn't an element of Seventh Wonder's music that i can fault. I love the lyrical concepts you use, and the mystery surrounding...
  13. S

    'The Great Escape' after a couple of months....

    Still as great as ever, even though i perhaps don't listen to it as much, maybe 3 or 4 times a week, as opposed to 3 or 4 times a day :P I still uncover new amazing things about some of the songs with every listen. I think it will forever be in my top 5 albums of all time, it's currently number 1 xD
  14. S

    SetList Shakeup

    I wanna see a switchup of the older stuff they play, children of bodom, mask of sanity, you're better off dead etc would also like to see wngf and iyppfw instead of the other aydy stuff, and smile pretty instead of hellhounds/blooddrunk
  15. S

    Seventh Wonder PicBadge available for Facebook

    hmm, i don't like the white border it makes and the watermark, i think i'll customise one for myself :)