Recent content by sham_1

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    War in 6 weeks

    This is some mighty fine thread archeology right here. A plane just hit WTC, news at 11!
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    Hatebreeder or Follow the Reaper

    9 reasons: 1. Warheart 2. Silent Night, Bodom Night 3. Hatebreeder 4. Bed Of Razors 5. Towards Dead End 6. Black Widow 7. Wrath Within 8. Children Of Bodom 9. Downfall
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    Hatebreeder or Follow the Reaper

    Hatebreeder, because it's Hatebreeder. Anyone who disagrees is wrong.
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    Bodom in Russia

    I like the current situation in Finland. Metal is quite "mainstream" and at best there has been 3 metal albums in the top 5 of the charts (simultaneously). Then again, Bodom is probably the most "rough" metal band on top of the charts usually, the rest are along the lines of Nightwish and Sonata...
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    Henkka Interviewed at Wormwood Chronicles

    Nice one, cheers.
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    Official Needled 24/7 Thread

    Bumping posts from 2003 = not cool.
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    Needled 24/7 cover... with an accordion

    Yeh the bandwidth got killed, a new link can be found in the original post.
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    Needled 24/7 cover... with an accordion

    Speaking of Eläkeläiset, Hate Me -cover from their new album.
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    Needled 24/7 cover... with an accordion

    The title says it all, I rather enjoyed this. (not mine) No flames please, I'd say this is better than 80% of the guitar "covers" I've seen in the net lately. EDIT: the bandwidth got killed, here's a new link...
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    Pure Shit

    Not only is the playing horrid, covering CoB with a goddamn Ibanez should be a criminal offense.
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    Whats with everyone hating AYDY?

    Now in all reality, AYDY isn't a "bad" album. The problem is just that us oldschool fans have been spoiled by the brilliant early albums (SW & HB.. _maybe_ FTR), and long for the "good old times". For the band themselves, AYDY is most likely the best thing that ever happened to them (at least...
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    Short documentary about Alexi

    Forgive me if this has been posted before, but just found this off Google Video. A short documentary (15 minutes) about Alexi that aired in finnish TV (not sure when, seems quite old). It's spoken in finnish, but has some nice clips of Alexi shredding too so not a complete waste of time for...
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    Upcoming DVD, filmed at the Stockholm gig?

    Definitely Japan, because it's fun to yell TOKYOOOO JAUJAU.
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    Worst Bodom cover in the history of covers

    Rule #1: If you've just learned how to play your instrument, for the love of god do not try to cover CoB (except maybe AYDY).
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    YOur Equipment

    Fender Stratocaster cream white with white pickguard, with SD HotRails in the bridge pos. ESP-LTD MMV white /w black stripes (cheapo Laiho model) Behringer GMX210 60W amp Boss NS-2 noise suppressor Ibanez SM7 for rock/metal distortion Digitech Metal Master for brutal death/blackmetal...