Recent content by Smoof

  1. S

    "Woods of Ebay"

    Just don't join a label associated with the RIAA or I wont buy your albums. Not that I want to be a dick, but I wont support the RIAA.
  2. S

    Now playing thread

    Ahem... Regina Spektor - On the Radio :kickass: :lol:
  3. S

    Your latest album purchases?

    Lurker of Chalice - S/T (LP) Leviathan - Howl Mockery At The Cross (LP) Leviathan - The Blind Wound (LP) Wolves In The Throne Room - Two Hunters (CD) Yamandu Costa - Yamandu
  4. S


    I just wanted to say thanks. I've been listening to WoY for a long time now, but just this entire week, I've been going through a breakup which has been exceedingly difficult for me and reletively easy for my uncaring expartner. I've been mostly listening to Uaral lately, but this afternoon...
  5. S

    Your latest album purchases?

    Make a Change...Kill Yourself - II
  6. S

    Your latest album purchases?

    Negativa - EP Twilight Self Titled ...And Hell Followed - Empire of Ash (haven't received this one yet)
  7. S

    1349/Goatwhore/Nachtmystium etc.

    You're nuts. Averse Sefira was merely okay. They seem to be a decent band live, but when I saw this tour on the 11th, it seems that AS's sound as a more "tr00" black metal outfit doesn't translate into a live setting very well. Being that I listen to craploads of metal, I could pick out the...
  8. S

    Matt Barlow is back

    Just saw this myself! Fucking stoked! I absolutely cannot wait to hear something new with Barlow on it! And I'm now really hoping Pyramaze comes to the US with Barlow on tour, so I don't have to wait until 2008 to hear him on album again. :rock: :kickass:
  9. S

    The Video for "The Northern Cold" is now online!

    This video needs more "Call Of The Wintermoon" worship! :lol:
  10. S

    The One and Only WoY Valentine's Day Thread.

    Tankard - Fistful of Love For those of you that don't know the song... "You’re a beauty, look so fine The fairest maid I’ve ever seen One single glance into your eyes Sends shivers running down my spine I long for you every single hour I long for you with every draw of breath To...
  11. S

    Band Shirts

    For the record (May be NSFW) Carpathian Forest has some awesome shirts, I just wish it didn't cost like $40 to get one from here. Most US companies don't have the best shirts on that page. "BLACK...
  12. S

    Band Shirts

    Death (logo) Finntroll X2 Opeth (logo/2005 tour) Metal Crusaders Tour (Vader) Testament (Testament Legions Pentagram shirt) Havok (Local Thrash band) x2 Metallica (Master of Puppets) which I tend to avoid wearing, so as not to be confused with a mallcore kid. Goatwhore (Parody of...
  13. S

    The 'Grow HUGE Viking Beards' Thread.

    My beard pisses me off. It looks decent enough, as when my hair also gets a little long (shaggy) I look really disheveled and scary. But, the 'stach part never really grows in all that well. It's there, but it doesn't grow in thick like the rest of my beard, so it looks a little odd. I have a...
  14. S

    "Damn it feels good to be a gangsta."

    I've gotten comments now, from my girlfriend, my mom and my girlfriends uncle, that I apparently look like a gang member when I'm wearing my WoY beanie and my whoodie. Apparently, there's something "gangish" about black metal logos?!
  15. S

    _FUCK_ Northern Storm Records

    How else should I feel? I waited over a month with ignored emails until I first opened-up a case with paypal, which THEN got a response. Okay, I thought, no big deal, this guy just didn't see my emails and is now sending me my album, cool. He said a week at the latest, but I figured for...