Recent content by sotua

  1. sotua

    Mike and Ipods

    Not really. It depends on the original source. If the original source is analog (like a traditional film photo, or an analog sound recording) there is a loss in the analog/digital conversion, since your'e downgrading from a continuum to a discrete representation. However, in the case of...
  2. sotua

    Opeth forum best moments

    Agreed. My favorite is user "O P E T H"'s latin influences ownage, since I was the guy he was arguing with when Mike stepped in... it's nice when Mike has your back ;)
  3. sotua

    Opeth forum will close down?

    I, for one, appreciated the hell out of it. A lot of insight into what goes into making a record, songwriting, life as a band, etc. Well, yeah - it won't have the band members posting. No more people getting owned by the man himself (like the case of Lopez and the latin influences)...
  4. sotua

    cognitive dissonance!

    Yeah, guy doesn't know what he's talking about. He's thinking that everybody that thinks Watershed is good... doesn't. Yeah, ok. Amen to that.
  5. sotua

    Worst Opeth Song Moment

    I seriously don't get the "boohoo muted E riff" hate brigade. In order to make a kickass song, you don't need to display your chops or "creativity" at each second, you need to serve the song. That particular bit is nos just "particularly great", it's "fucking awesome". It's a very effective...
  6. sotua

    cognitive dissonance!

    So you went through the trouble of looking up cognitive dissonance instead of coming right out and telling us you don't like watershed?
  7. sotua

    Do you still listen to Watershed?

    I'm sorry, what? ;)
  8. sotua

    Continued Creativity....

    Exactly, that's not a blast beat, the riff is only a few seconds long, and I believe it builds tension beautifully to release with "Invisible King...". The drone (isn't that "palm-muted E drone" instead of "open E drone", btw?) simply sets up the next riff. (I still can't believe people get...
  9. sotua

    Opeth in Uncyclopedia

    ROFL, and true.
  10. sotua

    Which Opeth song got you hooked?

    Ghost of Perdition. I had been a serious metalhead for most of my teens and early twenties, swinging around to prog rock. However, years later I wanted something with a bit more kick than the usual fare I listened to (e.g. Rush, Porcupine Tree, that kind of stuff), and Ghost of Perdition...
  11. sotua

    Mike and Ipods

    If you mean Mac as in Apple Computers... dude, Apple computers in Chile run almost twice as much as in the US. If not, then I have no idea what you're talking about :D
  12. sotua

    Mike and Ipods

    That's what kills us, that the CD is more expensive compared to available income. When I was a college student, I lived on something like USD20 a week plus what I made from odd jobs here and there. Blowing the whole week of transportation, meals and booze on a Cd was a serious proposition back...
  13. sotua

    Mike and Ipods

    MMmmm... somewhere between 14 and 22 US dollars. More if it's only available in specialized shops (like most metal CDs outside Metallica/Megadeth/IronMaiden/etc). For perspective, minumum wage is USD 305 (monthly for 45-hour weeks, before taxes). Average is around USD 810 monthly before tax.
  14. sotua

    Cult ov Opeth - Choose your hits

    Yeah, I know, but I had to do it, otherwise I had to remove Leper Affinity from the compilation and that's plain wrong.
  15. sotua

    Cult ov Opeth - Choose your hits

    My car radio reads only audio CDs, no MP3 and no line in, so I have to use 80 min audio CDs. My current Opeth (heavy) selection CD is: - The Lotus Eater - The Night and The Silent Water (off Roundhouse tapes) - Deliverance - Ghost of Perdition - Heir Apparent - The Leper Affinity - The...