Recent content by trym^^

  1. trym^^


    Take to twitter. Lots of first-hand reports there. Plus - This is not a wag-the-dog situation.
  2. trym^^

    Nightrage - Insidious full album stream

    yummy! love it!
  3. trym^^

    New Varnisher tune!

    wow. there's a certain quality to your songwriting that sets you apart from most of the stuff out there. which songs off of the meridian ep will make it onto the album, if any?
  4. trym^^


    a thing about shovel headed tour machine. watching the live footage i noticed that some bits are out of sync here and there. the solos are so spot on that i just can't get my head around the fact that this is all real. overdubs by any chance? and please forgive my disbelief, i know holt's a...
  5. trym^^


    honestly, terrible music. snare is poppin' though. fix your caps lock d00d.
  6. trym^^

    Jag Panzer - New Album 2011

    wow. not that you would crank up those slates as if there's no tomorrow.
  7. trym^^


    the swellers
  8. trym^^

    Ghost - Opus Eponymous

    great album. reminds me to put on the king more often.
  9. trym^^

    *Check out my bands NEW VIDEO*

    great band! diggin it! sounds alot like evergrey! only complaint: get some more lowend in your mix.
  10. trym^^

    My bands new cd for free HOLLA!

    do a full album! please! sideburns!
  11. trym^^

    charge for semi-pro session work?

    hi all. recently got the request to arrange and record guitars for a whole album (9 tracks). thing is, i don't really know the guy and at first it seemed like he was asking a favor, just general advice, which then grew into this whole painstaking process. i'm by no means a professional...
  12. trym^^

    New Porcupine Tree album announced

    tickets here are 34 € =_0 bands gaining popularity by the hour i guess.
  13. trym^^

    New Porcupine Tree album announced

    warszawa, deadwing and in absentia. none of the projects turn me on ... gave aviv geffen a try when he last played berlin but it was way too corny for my liking.
  14. trym^^

    Michael Jackson R.I.P.

    the dangerous tour bukarest is on the telly, heal the world right now. soooo amazing!
  15. trym^^

    When getting sick of your usual stuff, what do you record? (post your clips)