Recent content by Unklekronoz

  1. U

    Best Australian beer

    Coopers (the new one 'Heritage' is lovely) Boags Cascade Jimmy Squire and Red Back are my fav's
  2. U

    MFTB wrap up .

    That is pretty much it , the Alchemist lads have been writing that on their gig posters for over 10 years , there is no real meaning behind it .
  3. U

    Destroyer 666/Gospel Of The Horns/Abominator

    I think the term Nazi is irrelevant to Australians in the year 2004 , Aussie metal fans have nothing to do with Nazi Germany , people who call themselves Nazi's are basically ignorant racists who have latched on to Nazi Ideaology because they think it gives them a cover for their dimwitted...
  4. U

    MFTB photo's

    Yes there is some cool old canberra stuff on there , Alchemist doing Destined to Fester. :rock:
  5. U

    MFTB photo's

    It is not my site , I would of taken more band photo's , I was just sharing . I like the people shots though , I think I spent more of the day people watching than watching bands .
  6. U

    Destroyer 666/Gospel Of The Horns/Abominator

    Seig heiling at shows is almost as geigh as doing windmills and karate kicks . Fuck that brainless Nazi shit , it is a disgrace to anyone who had relatives who fought against the germans in WW2 .
  7. U

    MFTB wrap up .

    There is a couple of shots of those guys passed out in their car in the photo link . Thanks for those burns you left .
  8. U

    MFTB photo's

    Here is a link to some MFTb shots , click on the gallery section . There is some cool MP3's of older Canberra bands in the download section .
  9. U


    Even with the name change it's that obvious is it ? Good grind Captain Cleanoff (you probably already no that ) The Kill Alienation Mental Pig Destroyer Agoraphobic Nosebleed Birdflesh Leng Tche FID Gronibard Cerebal turbulency early Bloodduster Assuck Discordance Axis
  10. U

    MFTB wrap up .

    I did have a Brutal Truth - Choice of a new generation shirt on after I had drenched my Cryptic Slaughter shirt during Cleanoff .
  11. U

    MFTB wrap up .

    I'll start of by saying , thank you to the Sanigav guys for once again organising the best day of the year . Highlights CAPTAIN fucking CLEANOFF - have not skanked like that since I was a young fella , it fucked me for the rest of the day though . Pod People - played their best show in...
  12. U

    Metal for the Brain playing times

    A little bit of bad news , due to noise complaints at Stoneweek at the University recently , the MFTB outdoor stage will now be inside and apparently still all age . (and fucking crowded) I don't know how they can have all ages in the bar but we will see . The forcast for Saturday is 18 -34...
  13. U

    Metal for the Brain playing times

    I'm going to keep a well stocked esky of beer in my boot this year , complete with sandwiches and bottles of water .
  14. U

    Keeping up with the scene

    Alchemist - Australias N0.1 Metal band Pod People - Doomy stoner death LOG - Tractor Core Astriaal - Black Metal Psychrist - Death/Black Metal(split) Fuck Im Dead - Drum machine grind Captain Cleanoff - grind/fastcore Psycroptic - technical death Damaged - Hatecore Devolved - ? Destroyer 666 -...
  15. U

    Metal for the Brain playing times

    Yes , that is great news , Rodd told me about that last night , sounds way better than the plan of having Supaspice playing tracks from their Apokalypse demo with Jayme Ludbrook on vocals . Who will be singing for Devolved ?