Recent content by whyteboi101

  1. W

    Woods of Ypres cover album

    Hey , thanks for all the input. I talked to a friend who owns a local record label, to see if he would be interested in backing this up or something. He told me its a great idea but that I would have to contact Earache records, since they own the discography. Anyways, over the course of the...
  2. W

    Woods of Ypres cover album

    I got this idea a couple of days ago, about possibly recording a cover album for Against the seasons, and putting it up as a sort of homage. Something where different bands or just fans who play the instruments can join in. All the proceeds will go to the Gold family. Myself, I could do...
  3. W

    Woods of Ypres Tab

    got a link to the Against the seasons tabs?
  4. W

    Conquer & Curse Tour 2009

    I really really can't get into this band =/ someone suggest some songs goatwhore and abysmal dawn is good enough for me either way
  5. W

    Your latest album purchases?

    the new drudkh
  6. W

    Now playing thread

    The new wolven ancestry album, and its amazing
  7. W

    looking for merchandise...

    hey dave just sent you paypal for the patch as well, what shirts do you still have in stock?
  8. W

    Good music stores in Toronto

    they got shirts there too?
  9. W

    WOODS Touring in 2009: The West is the Best @ the 'End of August'!

    please please please play with wolven ancestry in toronto :P that would rape too hard